Smart home revolution led by Arabs and Jews in Haifa 3 Nov 2015

Smart home revolution led by Arabs and Jews in Haifa

    Two Israeli Arabs and two graduates of the Israeli security services have teamed up in a start-up company that can turn your home into a safe "smart home" - control and monitor your entire home, all from your smart phone.
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    The MindoLife management team The MindoLife management team Copyright: Courtesy
    The "smart home" is the latest in technology. A smart home allows you to run electrical appliances in the house through via your phone, controlling electricity consumption even when you are not at home for a day, or out of the country. By accessing information on local weather conditions, a "smart home" can automatically adjust for changes and save up to 30% of electricity costs. It allows you also, for example, to activate the water heater or air conditioner on your way home, so everything is ready when you arrive.
    The MindoLife home platform created by the Haifa start-up allows you to easily and cheaply turn your home into a "smart home" by integrating with existing smart devices - TVs, iRobots, coffee machine, and much more. You can control your home devices from wherever you are using a simple application installed on your smart phone, which is completely secured and protected. The system is more efficient and less expensive than other solutions available on the market today, making it accessible to broad sectors of society.
    The team: Rami Younes, one of four co-founder of MindLife, a software engineer and graduate of the Technion, is responsible for business management and hardware design. Rami Khawaly, with degrees in software engineering and industrial management, is responsible for R&D management and public relations. The two original partners were joined by Yoav Rosenthal who, as a graduate of the IDF elite intelligence unit and with years of experience in the field of cyber security, is responsible for the MindoLife security platform and strategy. Noam Levi, formerly an engineer for Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. who worked on developing such security products as the Iron Dome anti-missile system, is an expert in embedded systems.
    The team takes pride in its pluralistic make-up: "We are proud of our staff and we are proud that the team comprises all communities - Christians, Jews and Muslims." One of its practical applications is particularly suited to the religious Jewish population, who do not light fire or turn on electricity on the Sabbath. The MindoLife system is able prevent any such transgression by separating and neutralizing the plugs and switches, even if pressed by mistake.
    The start-up company received financing in the amount of 2 million shekels (half a million dollars) of the Office of the Chief Scientist in Israel which supports emerging companies. MindoLife is currently in the development stage and is planning to recruit more staff and move into a large new offices. It will also soon be launching a new Internet of Things (IOT) product for emerging companies that will provide advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services, covering a wide variety of protocols, domains, and applications. The MindoLife IOT platform handles network and security issues, enabling organizations to develop highly secured and reliable systems without fear of cyber attack.