President Peres awards young brain researchers 23 Dec 2013

President Peres awards young brain researchers

    President Peres: "Israel has the potential to become a world leader in neuroscience thanks to the creative spirit and out-of-the-box thinking that characterizes our small country."
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    President Peres awards young brain researchers President Peres awards young brain researchers Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)

    President Shimon Peres (Monday, 23 December 2013) awarded ten research grants – worth approximately NIS 200,000 each – to young scientists who are conducting research into the human brain. The President, who is leading the efforts to transform Israel into a world leader in research into the human brain, awarded the grants to the scientists whose research could lead to:

    • Using new technology to allow paralyzed people to regain use of their limbs
    • Development of new techniques to treat Alzheimer's disease and memory problems
    • Treatment of autism and attention deficit disorders
    • Treatment of severe visual impairments using advanced computer technology
    • Treatment of diseases such as schizophrenia
    • New ways to manage pain and the improvement of anti-depressant medication

    The scientists are all engaged in cutting edge research and represent an impressive young community of researchers in Israel. The scientists were chosen by a professional panel which examined hundreds of application and selected the ten leading researchers whose work could lead to major breakthroughs. The panel included a representative from a Ministry of Justice committee, a representative from the Office of the President and seven leading experts in the field. The grants will be awarded through the research institutes over a period of three years.

    President Shimon Peres: "Today, I presented scholarships to ten promising young neuroscientists. Israel has the potential to become a world leader in neuroscience thanks to the creative spirit and out-of-the-box thinking that characterizes our small country. Shiri Ron, Ori Osami, Avital Hakhami, Boaz Mohar, Tohar Sion Yarden, Mor Bentov, Niv Regev, Rita Peretz, Hiba Zidan and Daniel Reznick – I am proud of you all for dedicating your time, efforts and talents to make this world a better place. Best of luck and success to you."