Joint Israel-US cyber-attack confrontation agreement signed 14 October 2015

Joint Israel-US cyber-attack confrontation agreement signed 

    A cooperation agreement between Jerusalem’s GIHON Water and Sewage Corporation and NYC-DEP, targeted with identifying future threats to critical water and sewage infrastructure installations, opens new horizons for Israeli cyber companies.
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    Steve Levitz (left) and Zohar Yinon at the signing ceremony Steve Levitz (left) and Zohar Yinon at the signing ceremony Copyright: Dima Karminsky
    Protection against cyber-attacks on critical water and sewer infrastructure installations has reached a new level: An agreement signed within the framework of the WATEC Israel 2015 exhibition  between the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and GIHON, the Jerusalem Water and Sewage Corporation, will allow the two corporations to work together to combat the increasingly hazardous threat of cyber-attack.
    Zohar Yinon, Managing Director of the GIHON Corporation, today (Wednesday, 14 October 2015) signed a unique cooperation agreement with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC-DEP) at the Israel WATEC Exhibition 2015 being held at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds. According to the terms of the agreement, which was drafted with the help of Nili Shalev of the North American Trade Delegation, a joint working group will be set up by GIHON and NYC-DEP, with the aim of identifying potential threats and risks to critical water and sewer infrastructure installations.
    The agreement also states that the companies will serve as testing sites for the development of technologies and solutions.
    Zohar Yinon said that the agreement will help to upgrade and continuously adapt security against threats emanating from the increasingly volatile cyber domain, allowing water utility companies to determine cyber criteria based on the activity at GIHON.
    He also noted that with the agreement, GIHON is paving the way for Israeli cyber companies to the US infrastructure market, the largest and most advanced in the world.  Steve Levitz, Vice Chairman of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, expressed satisfaction with the signing of the agreement, and noted that the cooperation reflects the necessity of both regulators and infrastructure companies to internalize the threat and adapt their activities to developments of the worrisome trend of increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks.
    WATEC Israel is one of the leading international waters exhibitions in the world. The exhibition and conference attract heads of state and policy makers at the highest levels and serve as a showcase of Israeli and international technology in the field.
