First cyber seminar for decision-makers held in Israel 10 Sep 2015

First cyber seminar for decision-makers held in Israel

    Dr. Matania: "This is another important step in the framework of the strategy to position the State of Israel as a global cyber leader by sharing knowledge and technology with decision-makers, with natural partners in the international arena."
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    Czech Republic and Israel sign declaration co-operation in the field of cyber  security, November 2014 Czech Republic and Israel sign declaration co-operation in the field of cyber security, November 2014 Copyright: Czech National Cyber Security Centre
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    The Israel National Cyber Bureau, a unit within the Prime Minister's Office, headed by Dr. Eviatar Matania, has initiated and led a unique international cyber seminar for senior decision-makers from around the world. The seminar was designed to share knowledge and understanding of cyber policy and strategy on the state level while presenting Israel as a global leader in the field. Presented in the framework of the seminar were various aspects of national preparedness for cyber defense - technology and infrastructures, as well as legal, administrative and other issues. At the conclusion of the seminar, the INCB awarded certificates to the participants.
    The first three-day seminar ended today (Thursday, 10 September 2015). Among the participants was a delegation of approximately 30 senior Czech officials including - inter alia - the deputy chairperson of the Czech parliament, various deputy ministers, MPs and security and other officials.
    The seminar is a significant milestone in bilateral cooperation in the cyber field given its status as an item that is high on the agendas of both governments, and is based on the Israel-Czech Republic strategic partnership in the security and economic spheres. Israel's CERT (the national center for dealing with cyber threats) is a main partner of its Czech counterpart. The Czech Republic has shown great interest in the Israeli cyber industry's innovative technologies and solutions.
    INCB head Dr. Matania: "This is another important step in the framework of the strategy to position the State of Israel as a global cyber leader by sharing knowledge and technology with decision-makers, with natural partners in the international arena. We initiated the seminar due to the great worldwide interest in Israel's strategic policy vis-a-vis cyber. Cooperation with leading countries in the field is a central component in dealing effectively with cyber threats. The seminar that was organized for the delegation of senior Czech officials is the first vent of its kind and will advance the promising cyber relations between the two countries."
    At its weekly meeting this past Sunday, the Cabinet approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to grant benefits to employers in the cyber field at the national cyber park in Be'er Sheva and was briefed by INCB head Dr. Matania on current statistics.