This is My Earth: New global initiative to be launched in Knesset March 2016

This is My Earth: New global initiative to be launched in Knesset

    This is My Earth (TiME) is an environmental start-up that we have been working on to save biodiversity through the conservation of critical habitats around the world
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    This is My Earth (TiME) This is My Earth (TiME) Copyright: (TiME)
    A special event will be hosted at the Knesset on March 28, 2016 to launch a new global network to protect critical ecological habitats.

    This is My Earth (TiME) is an environmental start-up that we have been working on to save biodiversity through the conservation of critical habitats around the world. TiME's model is unique: Using a crowdsourcing internet platform, TiME seeks to reach out to the world community, enabling every person on the planet to help reduce habitat destruction by purchasing land in biodiversity hotspots and joining a democratic and interactive organization.

    For years, land conservation has been done in the "traditional" way. Organizations engaged in purchasing lands for conservation work using a centralized model. TiME's innovative crowdsourcing internet platform gives the donor more control over the specific habitat they are donating to save and seeks to engage a far broader global network of grassroots participants who are passionate about saving the environment. The organization involves an international collaboration with some of the world's greatest environmental experts, academics and activists.

    When we consider the magnitude of present species lost and its irreversibility, the problem of biodiversity preservation emerges as one of the greatest challenges facing the international community. This is My Earth is the first major effort by Israelis to contribute towards a concrete solution to the pressing biodiversity crisis and we want to make sure that it is a meaningful contribution.

    The event at the Knesset, hosted by friend MK Yael Cohen-Paran, brings together many of Israel's leading environmental leaders and government officials, artists, poets, activists and of course Israeli parliamentarians - all coming together to express their solidarity with the planet's endangered ecosystems.
