Israel Environment Bulletin July 2013 issue published

 Israel Environment Bulletin July 2013 issue published

    Volume 39 of Israel Environment Bulletin surveys some of the highlights of environmental activity in Israel in 2012-2013.
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    Israel Environmental Bulletin Israel Environmental Bulletin Copyright: Ministry of Envirnomental Protection
    The issue begins with an interview with Environmental Protection Minister MK Amir Peretz in which the incoming minister shares his insights on environmental justice and outlines priorities for action in the future.

    In-depth articles in this issue focus on major topics on Israel’s environmental agenda, many of them aimed at enhancing environmental management and resource efficiency. Two of the articles examine Israel’s step-by-step progress toward integrated environmental permitting and a Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR), in line with its commitments to the OECD. Yet another article surveys the steps Israel is taking to reach its greenhouse gas mitigation target, in line with its international commitments.

    Sustainable materials management is another priority. Many of the measures taken to spearhead a recycling revolution in Israel – separation of waste at source, financial support for material recovery facilities and recycling plants, legislation based on extended producer responsibility and intensive education and information efforts – are surveyed in this bulletin.

    The Kishon River sediment dredging and remediation project, one of Israel’s flagship projects in the field of river rehabilitation, is also featured in this issue. The project aims to clean up the river, improve drainage and prevent flooding and create a new park for the benefit of residents of the Haifa metropolitan area and Israel as a whole.

    On the legislative front, Israel has moved ahead with a host of new environmental laws while its Supreme Court, sitting as a High Court of Justice, has upheld an important clause in the 2011 Asbestos Law. In parallel, the country continues to fulfill its international environmental commitments and to expand its activities on the international front. A look at some of these activities completes this edition of the bulletin.

    Shoshana Gabbay