Bloomberg Fuel Choices Summit 2013 followup

Bloomberg Fuel Choices Summit 2013 followup

    Events which took place alongside the 2013 Fuel Choices Summit included the Smart Transportation Exhibit, the first Symposium on the Challenges and Future of Methanol as a Transportation Fuel, and the Agro-Energy Nexus Summit.
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    VLV Ltd. is introducing electric scooters VLV Ltd. is introducing electric scooters Copyright: Fuel Choices Initiative
    Alongside the 2013 Fuel Choices Summit which took place in Habima National Theater, the Fuel Choices Initiative in cooperation with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange sponsored a Smart Transportation Exhibit, featuring 20 Israeli companies that aim to help reduce the world's dependence on oil.

    Participating companies included Phinergy, which showed off its metal-air battery, VLV Ltd., which is introducing electric scooters with a vending machine-style battery switching option, Dor Chemicals, which shared its efforts of introducing methanol blends to the Israeli petrol market, and others.

    The event was kicked off with a celebratory ceremony attended by Minister of Transport Yisrael Katz and CEO of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ester Levanon. Levanon promised a special benefit to the first alternative fuel company to be listed on the stock exchange.

    The Fuel Choices Summit was immediately followed by the first Symposium on the Challenges and Future of Methanol as a Transportation Fuel, held in cooperation with the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. It brought together policy makers, industry leaders and methanol stakeholders from across the world, including a large delegation from China, and experts from the United States, Australia, and of course Israel.

    The aim of the symposium was to share global knowledge and experience for the implementation of methanol as a transportation fuel. The overall assumption is that introduction of new fuels requires a global effort. The symposium was a first step in creating a community of policy makers, industry leaders and leading players from across the world in the field of methanol for transportation.

    The first part of the symposium gave an overview of the global experience with methanol, which included China's long-term experience as presented by the China Association of Alcohol & Ether Clean Fuels and Automobiles, the Australian Coogee energy project, and the Israeli Dor Chemicals methanol pilot.

    The symposium covered additional topics such as methanol safety, regulation barriers, and the governmental role in opening the fuel market to methanol. It closed with remarks concerning the barriers and solutions for the infrastructure for methanol penetration.

    Convened by The Fuel Choices Initiative, The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, the Agro-Energy Nexus Summit took place in October as a unique opportunity to engage with leading experts in the field of biofuels and agro-energy from across the world.

    The Summit explored important topics within the field of biofuels and agro-energy projects, ranging from agronomic project management to the latest advancements in next generation feedstocks and conversion technologies. 

    The Summit was organized to enhance international cooperation and help foster new biofuel partnerships across the globe, and provided top quality networking sessions. It was tailored to meet the needs of the Israeli Industry and academy and was therefore planned by a team of representatives from the local industry, academia and government, who carefully chose the content and speakers from across the world.

    Panels topics included "Global Biofuel Industry and the Potential for Market Growth", "A More Sustainable Future: Benefits for Rural Development", and "Scalability: A Guide to Scaling Up Production". Speakers at the Summit included representatives of leading international organizations including: Anup Jagwani, Principal Investment Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank, Partho Sanyal, Managing Director, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and senior managers from Boeing, Bloomberg, Rabobank, and others.