Third international AgriVest Conference opens 27 April 2015

Third international AgriVest Conference opens

    Hundreds of investors and agriculture experts from 20 countries attended AgriVest 2015, showcasing the potential for investment in Israeli agricultural technology. DouxMatok was chosen as the outstanding company by conference participants.
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    International AgriVest conference International AgriVest conference Copyright: Agritech
    ​(Communicated by the Ministry of Economy Spokesperson)

    Some of the most promising and innovative Israeli agritech startups pitched their technologies on Monday 27th April 2015 at the Third International AgriVest Conference held at the Weizmann Institute of Science.  The conference is an initiative of Invest in Israel, the investment promotion center at the Israeli Ministry of Economy, the Trendlines Group and Trendlines Agtech, the only agritech-focused incubator in Israel and GreenSoil Investments, the only agritech VC in Israel.
    DouxMatok was chosen as the outstanding company by conference participants who listened to all company pitches before assessing and grading each company.
    Some 350 businesspeople, entrepreneurs, government officials, scientists and investors from Israel and abroad attended the conference.
    In her opening remarks, Dr. Nitza Kardish, CEO of Trendlines Agtech said: "We have instituted an event that is not only an integral part of the Israeli agritech landscape, but may well have the power to influence the agriculture of the future. The AgriVest conference is a unique platform for Israeli startups and entrepreneurs to meet with investors and key people in the global agricultural industry, with an eye to reveal the potential of investing in innovative developments."
    Chairman and CEO of the Trendlines Group Steve Rhodes explained why investing in Israeli agritech companies was more beneficial than ever. Rhodes said "Israeli agritech is on the map, with many exits in the last year and, I believe, many more on their way in the coming year. The global growth of investment in agritech 2014 reached a record breaking $2.36 billion raised which is testimony to positive trends in this sphere.”
    The highlight of the conference was a competition between 12 Israeli startups that presented the newest innovations in Israel's agricultural technology. The companies were selected by a professional, independent committee headed by Dr. Avi Perl, Chief Scientist at the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture from more than 40 companies that vied for the privilege of exhibiting at the conference. During the event the startups were assessed and graded by the participants and at the end of the conference DouxMatok was crowned the winner. The company has developed a method to create special, sweeter sugar in an effort to reduce the amount of sugar required in foods.
    Second prize was awarded to BioFishency, developers of an all-in-one water treatment system for land-based aquaculture - proven to increase the number of fish threefold and significantly reduce water usage.