A new generation of open field fertilizer 17 Jan 2016

A new generation of open field fertilizer

  •   The Haifa Group has launched Haifa Turbo-K™ - an innovative fertilizer
    Haifa Group, a world leader in soluble and controlled release fertilizers, entered the arena of open field complex fertilizers with the innovative Haifa Turbo-K™ product, generated from Multi-K™ Potassium Nitrate.
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    Haifa Group has launched Haifa Turbo-K™ Haifa Group has launched Haifa Turbo-K™ Copyright: Haifa Group
    Avi Stein, Product Manager at Haifa Group, explains the unique benefits of the Haifa Turbo-K™: “Most complex fertilizers up until today made use of sulfur of potash, or potassium chloride. Both include a high amount of elements which harms the environment, and can harm the plants." According to Stein, the new Haifa Turbo-K™ contains significantly less sulfur and chloride, making it safer for use.

    "And this is not the only advantage", Stein added. "Haifa Turbo-K™ is based on potassium nitrate, so it's a chloride free fertilizer." Chloride is harmful to the environment and the plants. In addition, the relatively high levels of nitrate in the Haifa Turbo-K™ prevents the chloride that is naturally present in some soils or water resources from being absorbed by the plant, protecting it and helping it to thrive. What Haifa Turbo-K™ does contain is significantly more nitrate than ammonium. The latter impairs the uptake of essential plant nutrition elements (K, Ca & Mg). “The optimal balanced ratio of nitrate/ammonium helps the plant to absorb the nutrients much better,” says Stein.
    Haifa Turbo-K™ also provides higher nutrient content comparing to SOP based fertilizers, allowing the grower to save time and money be reducing the number of applications during the season. In one uniform granule, Haifa Turbo-K™ provides plants with highly valuable nutrients combining the Multi-K™ potassium nitrate benefits, plus essential macro and micro nutrients. All making it ideal for open field, orchards and turf production.
    Haifa Turbo-K™ in currently available in southeastern Europe, South Africa, Australia, Mexico and France. "The reactions to this innovative product have been very enthusiastic." Stein concluded, "Agronomists who tested it, together with growers who already used it are most impressed with how effective it is."

    The Haifa Group was founded in 1966 by the Israeli government in order to leverage natural Israeli resources of potash from the Dead Sea and phosphate rock found in the Negev region. Haifa has gathered vast parts of its experience in field trials conducted in Israel. Collaborations between Israel office agronomists, Israeli farmers and agriculture experts yielded priceless know-how now helps farmers worldwide to grow better crops.

    Source: IsraelAgri - Israeli Agriculture International Portal
