Hamas statements leading up to the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers 18 Jun 2014

Hamas statements leading up to the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers

    A few days before the June 12, 2014 kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank, senior Hamas leaders and members issued statements containing calls to harm Israelis in order to bring about the release of Palestinian prisoners.
    References to the Gilad Shalit deal, in which convicted terrorists were released in exchange for the kidnapped soldier, and to saving the prisoners on hunger strikes are understood by the Palestinian audience to constitute appeals for additional kidnappings.

    The statements also make it clear that the organization is still committed to armed resistance (the Palestinian code-word for terrorism) and the liberation of all the so-called "conquered lands" - not just the West Bank and Gaza but all of Israel.

    Additionally, statements were made that Hamas rejects the Palestinian Authority claims that the terrorist organization will abide by previous agreements made by the PA.

    1. Hamas support for terrorism and calls for kidnapping/attacking Israelis

    Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas' former Prime Minister in Gaza and Deputy Chairman of Hamas's political bureau:
    "Hamas will absolutely not renounce the weapon of resistance and will remain committed to resistance, whether it is in power or not... Our link to resistance is sacred and goes beyond any governmental....The Palestinian resistance that freed the Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails in 2011 [in the Gilad Shalit deal] can free prisoners over and over again... We have flown the flag of unity and appeasement [with Fatah] on [the basis of] the principles of resistance and dignity."
    (al-Youm al-Sa'aba, 6 June 2014)

    Hassam Badran, Hamas spokesman:
    "Hamas is calling on the people of resistance in the West Bank, led by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades [Hamas' terrorist faction], to fulfil their duty in order to preserve the life of the hunger-striking prisoners by harming the forces of the Israeli occupation and its settlers.... The occupation [Israel] must pay a steep price in the blood of its soldiers and settlers in order to be persuaded to resolve the issue of the hunger-striking prisoners." (al-Quds al-Arabi, 10 June 2014)

    2. Hamas calls liberating "Palestinian" lands through terrorism

    Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas' former Prime Minister in Gaza and Deputy Chairman of Hamas' Political Bureau:
    "The Palestinian people will continue the resistance until the land is freed - Jerusalem, al-Aksa and the holy places - from the Israeli occupation. Jerusalem is ours and the land is ours.... All actions of the Judaization of the land are null and void; they do not affect our legitimate rights [to the land] in any way whatsoever."
    (al-Youm al-Sa'aba, 6 June 2014)

    3. Call for replacing Israel with "Palestine"

    Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas' former Prime Minister in Gaza and Deputy Chairman of Hamas' Political Bureau:
    "Our strategy, whether we're in the government or not, is the liberation of the land and the formation of human character on the basis of belief and jihad... The movement will continue to educate and take action for the liberation of all of Palestine, the return of the refugees, the release of the prisoners, and the establishment of a state on all of the land of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.... The summer camps [of Hamas in the Gaza Strip] stress the cultivation of a generation capable of liberating the homeland and Jerusalem and returning the refugees to their homes.
    (Ma'an, Amama, 7 June 2014)

    4. Hamas rejects Palestinian Authority claims that it is committed to previous agreements

    Bassam Na'eem, Deputy Head of Hamas' Political Department (in Gaza):
    "Hamas is not bound by the announcement made by Prime Minister Hamdallah regarding the government's commitment to the political program of President Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] and international agreements with Israel... What concerns us is what we agreed to, and that is a joint government without a political program... The political declarations and maneuvers [by the government] are not binding on Hamas... What [Hamdallah] announced amounts to political hypocrisy and is not binding on us."
    (al-Ayam, 5 June 2014)

    Sallah al-Bardwil, Hamas spokesman:
    "The declarations made by Prime Minister Hamdallah [according to which the government is committed to all international agreements signed by the PLO] are completely in contravention to the appeasement agreement and represent gross interference with political matters."
    (Ma'an, 2 June 2014)