Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity

Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity

    In the past week, IDF forces have continued operating against terrorist infrastructures in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

    Summary of activity in the Gaza Strip:

    The IDF operated in the Gaza Strip in order to prevent the terror organizations, Hamas in particular, from approaching the security fence and to thwart the launching of rockets and mortar shells into Israel.

    On Friday (9 Nov), an IDF force identified two suspicious Palestinians crawling and apparently planting an explosive device, near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip. The force fired and identified hitting them.

    On Saturday (10 Nov), an IDF force targeted and identified hitting a rocket launching cell and an armed launcher, after it fired a Qassam rocket into Israel.

    On Wednesday (14 Nov), an IDF soldier was lightly wounded during an operation against terror in the northern Gaza Strip, when Palestinians opened fire at the engineering vehicle he was driving. The soldier was taken to hospital for further treatment.

    On Thursday (15 Nov), an IDF force targeted and identified hitting in the northern Gaza Strip a Kassam launching cell and launchers ready to fire rockets into Israel. In addition, the IDF carried out an aerial attack against two armed launchers and identified hitting them.

    During the past week, Palestinians fired more than 35 mortar shells and approximately 25 Kassam rockets, most of which fell in Israel.

    During IDF operations in the Gaza Strip, several suspects were taken to Israel for questioning by security forces.

    Summary of activity in Judea and Samaria:

    The IDF operated in Judea and Samaria to thwart the attempts of terror organizations to carry out terror attacks in the Israeli Home Front and against IDF forces.

    On Friday (9 Nov), following the identification of an explosive device near the security fence, south of Qalqiliya, an IDF force arrived at the scene and uncovered the remnants of a 12kg bomb, after it exploded.  

    On Sunday (11 Nov), Palestinians hurled an explosive device and two Molotov cocktails at the watchtower of the Israeli community of Migdal Oz.

    On Tuesday (13 Nov), a special Border Police force arrested a Tanzim terror operative in Jericho. Mamduh Fahed Mahmud Fahud was involved in shooting attacks against IDF soldiers.

    In addition, two Israeli civilians were lightly wounded when Palestinians hurled rocks at their vehicles while traveling near the Israeli communities of Maccabim and Hebron.

    During the past week, Palestinians hurled an explosive device and eight Molotov cocktails at Israeli civilians.

    In the past week, IDF forces discovered during operations against terror a handgun, hundreds of M-16 bullets and dozens of handgun bullets, also arrested fifty one wanted Palestinians. The men were taken for questioning by security forces.