Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity

Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    In the past week, IDF forces continued to operate in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip against terrorism and in order to prevent terrorist attacks on the Israeli home front and in the Judea and Samaria region.

    IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

    Throughout the week, IDF forces operated with ground and air forces against terrorist organizations by targeting Kassam and mortar shell launching squads as well as armed gunmen.

    On Tuesday (12 Feb), 30 wanted Palestinians were arrested and taken for questioning during routine activity in southern Gaza.

    On Monday (11 Feb), IDF forces operated against rocket launching sites in the northern and central Gaza Strip. In central Gaza, IDF forces identified hitting a number of groups of armed gunmen. In a number of incidents in northern Gaza, IDF forces identified hitting armed gunmen after exchanges of fire erupted between them. As a result, one IDF soldier was injured lightly and transferred to a hospital for further treatment.

    On Sunday (10 Feb), IDF forces identified hitting two armed gunmen during routine activity against terrorist infrastructure in the northern Gaza Strip region. In addition, an armed gunman opened fire at an IDF force patrolling near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF returned fire at the gunman and identified hitting him.

    On Saturday night (9 Feb), the IDF carried out three aerial attacks the following targets:

    1. Hamas post in the central Gaza Strip
    2. Hamas weapons manufacturing facility in Gaza city and
    3. Hamas weapons storage facility in southern Gaza.

    In addition, during a joint IDF and ISA operation on Saturday, an aerial strike targeted a Hamas terror operative who was involved in weapons smuggling in the city of Rafah.

    Last Friday (8 Feb), the IDF carried out an aerial attack and identified hitting a Kassam launching squad and a number of rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip region. These aerial attacks were carried out in response to the continuing Kassam rocket fire against Israel.

    IDF activity in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley:

    On Tuesday night (12 Feb), approximately 3 million NIS were discovered during a joint IDF, ISA, Civil Administration and Israeli Police operation against the financing of terrorism in the Judea and Samaria region. The forces conducted searches of homes and offices belonging to 14 different Palestinian money changers suspected of being involved in the transfer of funds for the financing of terrorist activity in Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm, Hebron and Ramallah. Five wanted Palestinian money changers were arrested during the operation, and various documents and magnetic media were confiscated. In addition, three handguns and miscellaneous gun parts were discovered in the possession of four of the money changers. The confiscated money was later transferred to the legal authority of the Bank of Israel.

    On the same day, an IDF soldier was lightly injured after he was stabbed in the neck by a Palestinian at a checkpoint south of Jenin. The soldiers at the checkpoint subdued the attacker, arrested him and transferred him to the Israel Police.

    On Thursday (8 Feb) the IDF released for publication that over 800 kg of potassium nitrate that was discovered in an Israeli truck which was stopped at the Eliyahu Crossing, south of Qalqiliya on January 16, 2008. Potassium Nitrate is a banned substance in Judea, Samaria and Gaza due to its use by terrorists in the manufacturing of Qassam rockets and explosive devices.

    IDF forces uncovered a number of weapons during the week, including one shotgun, one Uzi rifle, two handguns, night-vision goggles, ammunition and miscellaneous military equipment. In addition, Palestinians opened fire at an IDF force near the village of El Yamun, northwest of Jenin. No injuries or damage were reported.

    A total of 114 wanted Palestinians were arrested in the Judea and Samaria region in the past week, 39 of whom were arrested during IDF activity in the village of Beit Ummar, south of Bethlehem.