Truck carrying over 800 kg of potassium nitrate intercepted

Truck carrying over 800 kg of potassium nitrate intercepted


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    In a joint IDF, Civil Administration and Police operation on January 16, 2008, an Israeli truck containing over 800 kg of potassium nitrate was intercepted at the Eliyahu Crossing, south of Qalqiliya. Potassium nitrate is a banned substance in Judea, Samaria and Gaza due to its use by terrorists in the manufacturing of explosive devices and Kassam rockets.

    Over the past several weeks, a number of similar incidents occurred, including:

    • Approximately 6.5 tons of potassium nitrate concealed in sugar bags was discovered in a truck marked as European Union humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip. This is yet another example of how terrorist organizations exploit humanitarian aid offered to the Palestinian population.
    • An explosives laboratory was discovered containing 25 kg of potassium nitrate and an 8 kg explosive device, near the village of Nahalin. The laboratory contained various other chemical materials used for manufacturing explosives.