Thwarting of a suicide bombing directed by Hizbullah

Thwarting of a suicide bombing directed by Hizbullah


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    In a joint operation of IDF forces and the ISA, a Tanzim terrorist cell was intercepted last night in Ranallah. The cell originating from Nablus was on the way to carry out a suicide bombing attack. The attack was due to take place on Friday, July 2, 2004 in an unknown location in Jerusalem.

    During the operation, the force uncovered an explosive belt weighing 12 kg that was to be used by the suicide bomber.

    The cell was dispatched by Salah Rajah Sanahra, a 27 year-old Tanzim terrorist from the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, who worked under the direction of the Hizbullah terrorist organization.

    The following are the names of the terrorists who were arrested during the operation:

    - Director of the attack - Shadi Masud Azat Amar, 23, a student at the Al-Najah University in Nablus.
    - The bomber - Muatez Tahsin Abed El-Muati Qrini, 16, from the Asqar refugee camp in Nablus.
    - Assistant - Ahmed Suberi Said Awadallah, 24, from the Qalandya refugee camp.