Terrror incitement in the Palestinian media-2009

Terrror incitement in the Palestinian media-2009

    Peace can never reign between Israel and the Palestinians as long as Palestinians are being fed an endless diet of anti-Israel incitement. There is a direct connection between anti-Israel incitement and terrorism

    - Dec 31, 2009: PATV honors female suicide terrorist;
    Abbas glorifies recent murderer

    - Dec 27, 2009: Abbas glorifies 3 drive-by murderers as "Shahids" of the revolution
    The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades [Fatah] took responsibility for killing Israeli Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai in a drive-by shooting. Israel killed three of the terrorists involved. The response of the PA has been unequivocal support and glorification of the killers as Palestinian heroes and Shahids. Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - Dec 27, 2009: Fatah: Murderers of Israeli father are "brave heroes"
    The occupation murdered these three young men as well as another three in Gaza, in cold blood. They are military commanders, brave heroes, and fighters.Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Dec. 27, 2009

    - Dec 27, 2009: PA TV: Fatah, PLO to accompany Shahids "to their wedding"
    Fatah poster, signed with condolences from PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, honors the three terrorists.Palestinian TV (Fatah)

     - Dec 26, 2009: PA PM comforts families of drive-by murderers Prime Minister visits Nablus and conveys condolences to the families of the Shahids (Martyrs). WAFA news agency

    - Dec 9, 2009: Israel using drugs to rid Jerusalem of Palestinians   
    Fatah TV Program, entitled "Eye on Jerusalem," aired an episode on drug use, reiterating the libel that Israel aims to Judaize Jerusalem by ridding the city of its Palestinian population through all means Al-Filistiniya TV (Fatah)

    - Nov 15, 2009: Fatah official: Israel poisoned Arafat
    Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Member of the Fatah Central Committee:
    "They [the  Israelis] killed the Shahid (Martyr) Yasser Arafat by poisoning, under the pretext of [fighting] terror."
    Note: Sultan Abu Al-Einein spoke at an official Fatah-PLO ceremony for the anniversary of Arafat's death held in Beirut in Lebanon which was broadcast live on Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - Nov 12, 2009: Abbas: We continue Arafat’s path resting on a glorious heritage of struggle  
    Mahmoud Abbas, PA Chairman, speaking at official PA ceremony commemorating 5th anniversary of Arafat's death: "Our path today rests upon a glorious heritage of struggle, which we formed with courageous hands and with national sense and thought, to which was added action. We combined the armed struggle with political action." Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Nov 10, 2009: Palestinian libel: Israel distributes drugs to Palestinian students
    Reporter: "The occupation in Jerusalem is continually acting to destroy the Jerusalemite students and the cultural institutions, by persecuting them, detaining them, preventing them from reaching their schools, and attempting to force upon them the Israeli curriculum in Jerusalem. In addition, it is facilitating the distribution of all kinds of drugs among the students." Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - Nov 10, 2009: Jews are inherently evil: Israel persecutes Palestinian students  
    "The occupation in Jerusalem is continually acting to destroy the Jerusalemite students and the cultural institutions, by persecuting them, detaining them, preventing them from reaching their schools, and attempting to force upon them the Israeli curriculum in Jerusalem. In addition, it is facilitating the distribution of all kinds of drugs among the students." Palestinian TV (Fatah) 

    - Oct 10, 2009: 
    Mufti of the Holy Land: No sign of Jewish presence ever Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Oct 10, 2009: Bishop: Arab character will not be distorted by Judaization attempts 
    Seminar at Al-Quds Open University "Establishing a unified strategy on the subject of Jerusalem is a national and moral necessity" Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Oct 10, 2009: PA MP: Jewish extremists seek to establish camp on Al-Aqsa’s grounds 
    Abd Al-Qader said that Israel is trying to turn Jerusalem into a religious capital for all Jews in the world, and noted that many of the Jews took tents along with them in the course of their attempt to enter the plazas of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.This testifies to an attempt by the extremists to establish a large camp within the Mosque’s open areas, in order to seize control over it." Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Sept 25, 2009 : 
    Jews are inherently evil: PA daily - Israeli books should be burned 
    Egyptian Minister Farouk Hosni lost the contest for the position of Director-General of UNESCO. His defeat was to be expected, following the Israeli campaign against him for having stated in the Egyptian parliament that he would burn any Israeli book that he found in an Egyptian library. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Aug 4, 2009: Fatah leaders honor Dalal Mughrabi, killer of 31  
    Fatah leaders responded with loud applause when two terrorists who committed the worst terror attack in Israel's history were referred to as heroic Martyrs by former PA Prime Minister Abu Alaa (Ahmad Qurei), at the opening ceremony of Fatah's Sixth General Conference in August 2009 Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - Aug 2, 2009: Killer of 37 "wrote most glorious page of history"  "Dalal Mughrabi [killed 37 in bus hijacking] wrote the most glorious page of heroism in the history of the Palestinian struggle, yet her face was uncovered, and she wore the keffiyeh (Arab headdress) of the revolution around her neck.” Al-Ayyam

     - July 22, 2009: Arafat deceived the world when condemning terror
    Arafat would condemn [terror] operations by day while at night he would do honorable things. Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - July 19, 2009: PA official: armed struggle are still valid alternatives to negotiations  
    It is clear from [our] experience that that struggle and resistance are the natural right of every nation that is subjected to occupation, and negotiations are one of the means that should be used; it's not the only way.Palestinian TV (Fatah)

     - July 17, 2009: Palestinian Holocaust desecration and denial:
    In all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews Jews exaggerate every action that other [nations] do against any Jew in the world. In this context is the Holocaust issue, which the whole world still [deals with]. There is a place [in Israel] called "Memorial for Holocaust and Heroism," which tells of the killing of 6 million Jews, but it is known that in all of Europe there weren't 6 million Jews. Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - June 29, 2009: PA boasts of security forces terror attacks   
    The greatest number of prisoners is from the security forces sector. They are the ones who bore arms and carried out the greatest and most important operations [terror attacks] against the Israeli occupation - and especially against soldiers, and some of the most famous operations [terror attacks] in the West Bank. Palestinian TV (Fatah) 

    - June 24, 2009: Demonization - Animalization and dehumanization: PA Daily: Israel a "demon that possesses another body" 
    Israel… looks like a demon that enters a person's body, causing him suffering and depriving him of sleep and torturing him. But it remains… a passing, transient spirit, which dwells in a body in an abnormal manner, and one day it will leave him, as soon as the sick body is restored to physical and spiritual health…Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - June 9, 2009: Jews are inherently evil - Religious leader: Quran says Jews are evil  
    Tayseer Tamimi, PA Chief Religious Justice: "Concerning the Jews, the Holy Quran says that they lack understanding, are void of wisdom, know nothing, violate agreements, etc. However, the Jews were known - it was known about them throughout history- that they make false claims, lies, forgery, slander, and fabrications, in order to justify their aggression, land theft, defilement of holy sites, appropriation of land, destruction of homes, murder of children, women, and the elderly. Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - May 26, 2009: Palestinian libel: Israelis want drug dealers near PA areas
    Raed Lutfi Ashtiyeh, Director, War on Drugs, PA-Ramallah Police: "In fact, the results that we have obtained from the investigation are that most or all of the drugs that are reaching the territories of the Palestinian Authority are being conveyed by the Israelis… We, as the Palestinian Authority, have no control in the A-Ram area [north of Jerusalem]. At the same time, the Israelis want drug dealers in this area." Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - May 13, 2009: Palestinian fabrication - Israel murders and poisons: Zionists planned racial cleansing of Palestinians  
    Tira and its inhabitants are known for having resisted the Zionist gangs which annihilated Palestinians as part of the greatest expulsion that took place in the previous century… The villagers went out in groups, in fear of the cruelty of the Jewish terrorist groups…Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - May 12, 2009: Palestinian Holocaust desecration and denial -  PA TV: "So-called memory" of Holocaust victims  
    "Various groups in Israel expressed their disappointment at the speech delivered yesterday by Pope Benedict XVI at the Yad Vashem Institute for the commemoration of the so-called memory of those who died in the Nazi Holocaust" PalestinianTV (Fatah)

    - May 5, 2009: Abbas names computer center for Dalal Mughrabi  Al-Ayyam
    Yesterday the Hebron Building Committee inaugurated a computer center named after the Martyr Dalal Mughrabi. Present at the event were President Mahmoud Abbas's advisor... inaugurating the center, funded by a contribution from the President's [Abbas’s] Bureau." Palestinian Media Watch

    - May 5, 2009: "Allah did not honor me with [Shahada]; He gave it to my sister" 
    Sister of Dalal Mughrabi : "I participated in many battles. I always aspired to Shahada (Martyrdom), but Allah did not honor me with it; He gave it to my sister, who was a year younger than me."Al-Ayyam

    - Mar 22, 2009: Palestinian libel: Israel destroys Palestinian values with drugs
    As to the causes that have brought about the appearance and distribution of drugs, Maj. Ashtiyeh (director of the war on drugs) explained that they consist first and foremost of the occupation, which has as its aim to weaken and to destroy the values and the character of Palestinian youth, society, and family Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Mar 17, 2009: Jews/Israelis are cancer and other disease: Israeli presence in Jerusalem is a "cancer" 
    The Supreme Islamic Council [of the Palestinian Authority] sent greetings to the Jerusalem public, which has been pressed into defense of its homes and has held onto them, resisting the cancer of the occupation Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Mar 11, 2009: PA TV celebrates “heroic fighter Dalal Mughrabi”
    The Palestinian Authority celebrated the 31st anniversary of the 1978 bus hijacking with an hour-long TV special about the attack. Palestinian TV (Fatah)

    - Feb 23, 2009: Honoring women murderers including Dalal Mughrabi
    A-Sweiki recalled the memory of the eternal Shahids (Martyrs): Dalal Al-Mughrabi [killer of 37] and Ayat al-Akhras [17-year-old, youngest girl suicide terrorist]." Al-Ayyam

    - Feb 23, 2009: Women murderers honored on International Women's Day  
    A-Sweiki recalled the memory of the eternal Shahids (Martyrs): Dalal Al-Mughrabi [killer of 37] and Ayat al-Akhras [17-year-old, youngest girl suicide terrorist]." Al-Ayyam

    - Feb 17, 2009: PA glorifies murderer of 10 as "hero"  
    This young man [Thaer Hamed, who murdered ten Israelis in 2002] should be our top priority, since he entered the history of the Intifada as having carried out the most successful military action, alone...
    Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)