Terrror incitement in the Palestinian media-2008

Terrror incitement in the Palestinian media-2008

    Peace can never reign between Israel and the Palestinians as long as Palestinians are being fed an endless diet of anti-Israel incitement. There is a direct connection between anti-Israel incitement and terrorism


    - Aug 26, 2008: Abbas rejoices over release of murderer  
    Mahmoud Abbas announced during the prisoners' welcoming ceremony:  "This is a day when our heart rejoices... to see one of the greatest icons of our struggle, a man who has spent decades in prison - our brother Abu Ali Yatta."  Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Aug 26, 2008: Abbas: Palestinian prisoners are heroes  
    Abbas: "These brave released prisoners ... symbols of steadfastness, symbols of our homeland... are among our nation's heroes." Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Aug 12, 2008: Youth to continue the way of the Shahids (Martyrs)”  
    Jihad Abu Zahra, coordinator of the youth committee … emphasized the desire of the youth to continue the way of the Shahids (Martyrs) until the fulfillment of our people's goals of freedom and independence Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - Aug 5, 2008: Dalal Al-Mughrabi championship  
    The Islami Silwan Club, won the Dalal Mughrabi championship in football, organized by the Hilal Al-Quds Club, along with 5 teams from the different [sport] clubs of the region of Jerusalem Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah) 

    - July 24, 2008: At high school, Abbas`s representative “reviewed the heroic life” of Mughrabi  
    Samih A-Sayfi, the commander of the region and the representative of the President [Abbas], wished the distinguished students a brilliant future … and reviewed the heroic life of [Dalal al-Mughrabi] the Shahida (Martyr) and the course of the struggle of the Fatah Movement and its sacrifices.”  Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah)

    - July 22, 2008: Summer Camp Activities Dedicated to Dalal Mughrabi  Al-Ayyam
    …the camp activities are dedicated to the memory of two Shahids, Dalal Mughrabi and Azmi Saghir." 

    - July 18, 2008: Killer of 37 - front page hero and role model  
    Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah) (Pictorial)