Terrorists responsible for murder killed in joint IDF-ISA operation

Terrorists responsible for murder killed in joint IDF-ISA operation

    Security forces entered Nablus in an attempt to locate and arrest the men suspected of involvement in the murder of Meir Avshalom Chai.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    "The Israel Defense Forces will act firmly against those who aspire to harm citizens of the State of Israel and Israeli security forces, and will not rest until those involved in the murderous act are brought to justice," said OC Central Command, Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrachi, at the end of a joint IDF-ISA operation.

    Overnight, security forces entered Nablus in an attempt to locate and arrest the men suspected of involvement in the murder of Meir Avshalom Hai this past Thursday. Rabbi Meir Avshalom Chai, a resident of Shavei Shomeron, was murdered by Palestinian gunfire while driving his vehicle on December 24, 2009.

    During the operation, IDF special forces killed three terrorists responsible for carrying out the shooting: Raed a-Sarkaji, Raghsan Abu Sharah and Anan Subeh. When he was killed, Anan Subeh was armed with a handgun and hiding two M16 assault rifles, an additional handgun, and ammunition.

    Ballistic analysis showed that the weapons found in the house of the terrorist Anan Subeh in Nablus the morning of December 26 were the ones used to murder Meir Avshalom Chai.

    Names of terrorists killed

    Raed Jabber Mahmad a-Sarkaji, a 40-year-old resident of Nablus, is a Nablus Fatah Tanzim activist and has been imprisoned in Israel in the past. Prior to his arrest in 2002, a-Sarkaji was a senior member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and was involved in multiple terror attacks. A-Sarkaji was also involved with the manufacturing of explosives and the establishment of an explosives-manufacturing laboratory in Nablus. He was arrested in April 2002 and was released earlier this year in January 2009.

    Raghsan Abu Sharah, a 40-year-old Nablus resident, has also been previosly imprisoned in Israel. He is the brother of Naif Abu Sharah, the former head of the Fatah Tanzim in Nablus, who was responsible for planning multiple terror attacks until he was killed by IDF soldiers in 2004. 

    Anan Saliman Mustafa Subeh, a 36-year-old Nablus resident, a Shahad Al-Aqsa activist and was involved in widespread militant activity within the framework of the Nablus Fatah Tanzim. The group was led by Naif Abu Sharach until his death. Anan served as an arms dealer and supplier. During an attempt to arrest him tonight, Anan was killed after an exchange of fire with the IDF while he was found in a hiding place along with weapons and ammunition. Annan was included in an agreement in which wanted terror suspects were granted amnesty in exchange for a cease-and-desist in all terror involvement.