Terror attack on Gaza security fence thwarted

Terror attack on Gaza security fence thwarted

    Palestinian gunmen opened fire at an IDF force patrolling the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip's security fence, north of the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    A group of Palestinian gunmen opened fire this morning at an IDF force patrolling the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip's security fence, north of the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.

    The gunmen arrived near the fence with a number of trucks leading five horses loaded with explosive devices. A few gunmen were wearing explosive belts. They were also planting explosive devices when the incident began.

    The force responded with tank and machine gun fire, in conjunction with combat helicopters which assisted the ground forces. The forces identified hitting a few of the gunmen, who arrived at the fence using a number of trucks and horses.

    No injuries or damage to IDF forces were reported in both incidents.

    Despite thwarted terror attack, humanitarian aid transferred to Gaza

    Despite the attack thwarted this morning on the Gaza Strip security fence, 30,000 vaccine units for the foot-and-mouth disease were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Erez crossing. 125,000 vaccine units were transferred to the Gaza Strip in the passed three months in three different transfers, due to the importance of preventing the outburst of the disease.

    In addition, humanitarian aid transferred daily to the Gaza Strip, is scheduled to be transferred via the Kerem Shalom crossing. 140 truckloads of various humanitarian aid is scheduled to pass today. The Erez terminal will also be open.