Terror-linked finances and property seized in Tulkarm operation

Terror-linked finances and property seized in Tulkarm operation

    Security forces confiscated the money and possessions of a senior Hamas operative recently convicted of transferring Hamas finances into the West Bank. 

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    Last night, in a joint IDF-ISA operation in Tulkarm, security forces confiscated the money and possessions of a senior Hamas operative who was recently convicted of transferring Hamas finances into the Judea and Samaria region. 
    The operative, Ali Dadu from Tulkarm, is a senior Hamas operative and one of the founders of the Hamas network in the area of Tulkarm. Dadu was arrested by security forces on June 27, 2010 on suspicion of involvement in transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars in terror finances from abroad to the Judea and Samaria region. During questioning, Dadu admitted to having received $620,000 from Hamas, which were smuggled from Israel into the Judea and Samaria region in various ways.

    Ali Dadu's son, Diaa Dadu, who was also arrested, confirmed that the source of the money is Hamas. He estimated the value of the money his father received to be approximately $900,000.
    On August 26, 2010, Ali Dadu was convicted of transferring money into the Judea and Samaria region and transferring enemy finances into the region. The military court in Samaria imposed a nine month prison sentence, a fine of 15,000 NIS, and 12 months probation.
    The confiscation follows Dadu's conviction and is in accordance with Order 120/84 of the Security Regulations as well as Supreme Court rulings, allowing the confiscation of equal sums of money from the convicted persons' private property. In accordance with this regulation GOC Central Command, Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrahi ordered the confiscation of the money.

    The Hamas terror organization is constantly acting to rebuild its terror network in the Judea and Samaria region, with the help of money from the Gaza Strip, Syria, Hizbullah, and Iran.

    The operation was carried out by forces from the IDF, the ISA, the Israel Police, as well as an assessor.