Terror incitement in the Palestinian media-2010

Terror incitement in the Palestinian media-2010

    Peace can never reign between Israel and the Palestinians as long as Palestinians are being fed an endless diet of anti-Israel incitement. There is a direct connection between anti-Israel incitement and terrorism.


    - May 18, 2010: PA TV again to children:All Israel is "Palestine"

    - May 17, 2010: PA kids told to "follow same path" as terrorist
    Fatah representative at sports event instructs kids to see Abu Jihad as role model

    - May 12, 2010: PA to Israelis: Go to Europe and Ethiopia - Israel is "stolen" land
    PA TV displays map portraying all of Israel as "Palestine"

    - April 7, 2010: Fayyad and Abbas continue to honor terrorists
    The duplicity of Fayyad and Abbas: Preaching non-violence while honoring terrorists

    - March 23, 2010: Hillary Clinton's unfortunate mistake
    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mistakenly condemns Hamas for dedicating square after a mass-murdering terrorist, when in reality the genuine culprit was PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas

    - March 22, 2010: UNICEF supports Palestinian hate ad
    A UNICEF-supported program's advertisement
    features a giant ax splitting the Star of David

    - March 17, 2010: Fatah proud of Palestinian women:
    Fighters, Martyrs and the Virgin Mary

    In its official statement in honor of International Women's Day, the Fatah movement listed a group of "Palestinian" women of whom it is proud: Martyrs, fighters, prisoners and the Virgin Mary.

    - March 16, 2010: PA TV kids' show wipes Israel off the map
    A new children's show on official Palestinian Authority television is using a map of "Palestine" that teaches kids that Israel doesn't exist.

    - March 15, 2010: PA Libel: Israel tried to burn down Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969
    As Palestinians continue almost daily rioting in Jerusalem and other cities, claiming Israel is damaging places holy to Islam, the Palestinian Authority has chosen to rekindle another libel whose goal seems to be to increase the unrest and rioting.

    - March 14, 2010: PA calls Arabs to 'defend al Aksa' (Jerusalem Post)
    Top Fatah official and holder of the Jerusalem portfolio Khatem Abd el-Kader called Palestinians on Sunday to “converge on al Aksa to save it” from what he called “Israeli attempts to destroy the mosque and replace it with the [Jewish] temple.”

     - March 11, 2010: PA TV honors anniversary of terror attack with interview of terrorist's sister
    March 11th, 1978 was the date of the worst terror attack in Israel's history, when 37 people were murdered in a bus hijacking known as the "Coastal Road Massacre." Official Palestinian Authority TV opened its broadcasting last week on the 32nd anniversary of the terror attack by praising it as "A glorious chapter in the history of the Palestinian people. . . " 

    - March 6, 2010: Abbas promotes terrorist killer to the rank of major-general
    "President Mahmoud Abbas decided to promote the prisoner Mahmoud Damra, [known as] Abu Awad, commander of the 'President's Security Force 17,' to the rank of major-general." [Al-Quds, March 6, 2010]

    - Feb 14, 2010: PA Prime Minister honors dead terrorist  with condolence visit
    Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has honored the terrorist who attempted to stab an Israeli soldier by paying a condolence call to his family. The terrorist was killed by Israeli soldiers after the attack Friday in Hebron.

    - Feb 8, 2010: Palestinian child sings about victory over Israel and the US

    - Jan 14, 2010: City square named after Dalal Mughrabi,
    murderer of 37 Israelis

     PA Minister defends glorification of terrorists: "It's the least we can do"

    - Jan 12, 2010: Abbas takes pride in rejecting US request
    In recent speeches, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has called on Hamas to sign a reconciliation agreement with Fatah, and has boasted that he did not give in to American pressure. US had asked Abbas not to sign an agreement with Hamas.

    Speaking of reconciliation with Hamas,
    Abbas insisted that the two factions agree
    on essential issues:

    "There is no disagreement between us [Fatah and Hamas]:
    About belief? None!
    About policy? None!
    About [violent] resistance? None!"

    - Jan 5, 2010: Abbas honors legendary killer of 37,
    glorifies latest murderers
    Mughrabi led the worst terror attack in Israel's history in 1978, when she and other terrorists hijacked a bus and killed 37 civilians. Present at the ceremony were Palestinian dignitaries and a children's marching band. Earlier this year, Abbas sponsored a computer center named after Mughrabi.

    - Jan 4, 2010: Arab employees of Israeli institutions misuse their positions to slander Israel
    A teacher instructs his Israeli Arab students that the Israeli curriculum should "not be considered information"
    A researcher of the Tower of David Museum of Jerusalem's History calls the museum's information "lies"
    A guide at the museum prefers to convey "the Arab point of view"
    rather than the museum's "deceptions" when guiding Arabic-speaking visitors. Al-Filistiniya (Fatah) TV, Sept. 10, 2009
    PA TV (Fatah), Nov. 13, 2009