Terror attack in Jerusalem kills two 5 Nov 2014

Terror attack in Jerusalem kills two

    A Palestinian terrorist used his car to deliberately drive into a crowd of Israelis near a light-rail train station in Jerusalem shortly after noon. Three Israeli soldiers were injured Wednesday evening in the day’s second vehicular terror attack.
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    Scene of terror attack in Jerusalem, Nov 5, 2014 Scene of terror attack in Jerusalem, Nov 5, 2014 Copyright: Israel Police
    A Palestinian terrorist used his car to deliberately drive into a crowd of Israelis at a light rail station on the corner of Bar Lev and Shimon Ha’Zadik streets in Jerusalem around noon. The driver from eastern Jerusalem drove along the tracks, hitting several cars until finally crashing to a halt. The terrorist then exited the vehicle and began attacking passersby with a metal pole before being shot and killed by the police.

    Chief Inspector Jidan Assad, a 38-year-old Border Patrol Captain from the Druze village of Beit Jann in northern Israel. Two other officers were seriously wounded and one sustained light-to-moderate wounds. A total of 14 people were injured.

    Shalom Aharon Badani, 17, a yeshiva student from the ultra-Orthodox Ramat Shlomo neighborhood in Jerusalem, critically injured in the attack, succumbed to his wounds on Friday, November 7.

    Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

    This is the second deliberate attack on a Jerusalem light-rail station using a vehicle in recent times. The last car attack, which took place exactly two weeks ago (Wednesday, 22 October), killed Chaya Zissel Braun, a three-month-old dual Israeli-American citizen, and 22-year old Karen Jemima Mosquera, originally from Ecuador.

    Second vehicular terror attack

    Three Israeli soldiers were injured when a Palestinian vehicle rammed into them by the side of Route 60 near the Gush Etzion Junction at 10 pm Wednesday evening in the day’s second vehicular terror attack.