Tel-Aviv suicide bombing at the Dolphin disco-1-Jun-2001

Tel-Aviv suicide bombing at the Dolphin disco-1-Jun-2001

      Tel-Aviv suicide bombing at the Dolphin disco
    June 1, 2001

    Photo: IDF Spokesman 
    21 people were killed and 120 were wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a disco near Tel Aviv's Dolphinarium along the seafront promenade just before midnight on Friday, June 1. The terrorist mingled with a large group of teenagers, who were standing in line to enter the disco. While still in line, he detonated the explosives strapped to his body. The explosive charge contained a large number of metal objects - including balls and screws - designed to increase the extent of injuries.

    Most of those killed were youngsters from the former Soviet Union who had planned to attend a dance party at the Dolphin disco. Others who had been waiting in line to enter an adjacent nightclub known as the Pacha were also caught in the blast. The 'Palestinian Hizbullah' claimed responsibility for the attack.

    In the wake of the bombing, the IDF tightened its closure on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and security officials called on all Palestinian workers inside Israel to immediately return to their homes in the territories.

    17 people were killed immediately in the suicide bomb attack, and 4 died subsequently from their wounds.

    The names of the 21 victims are:

    Jan Bloom, 25, of Ramat Gan (d. June 3)
    Marina Berkovizki, 17, of Tel Aviv
    Roman Dezanshvili, 21, of Bat Yam
    Yevgenia Haya Dorfman, 15, of Bat Yam (d. June 19)
    Ilya Gutman, 19, of Bat Yam
    Anya Kazachkov, 16, of Holon
    Katherine Kastaniyada-Talkir, 15, of Ramat Gan
    Aleksei Lupalu, 16, of the Ukraine
    Mariana Medvedenko, 16, of Tel Aviv
    Irena Nepomneschi, 16, of Bat Yam
    Yelena Nelimov, 18, of Tel Aviv
    Yulia Nelimov, 16, of Tel Aviv
    Raisa Nimrovsky, 15, of Netanya
    Pvt. Diez (Dani) Normanov, 21, of Tel Aviv
    Sergei Panchenko, 20, Ukraine (d. June 2)
    Simona Rodin, 18, of Holon
    Ori Shahar, 32, of Ramat Gan
    Liana Sakiyan, 16, of Tel Aviv
    Yael-Yulia Sklianik, 15, of Holon (d. June 2)
    Maria Tagilchev, 14, of Netanya
    Irena Usdachi, 18, of Holon

     Video (001): Ticking Bomb

     In Memoriam 
     Dolphin disco memorial site
     Selected photos
     Additional photos (CNN)

    Seven of the bombing victims and a number of those injured attended the Shevah Mofet high school in Tel-Aviv, 90 percent of whose students are immigrants who arrived from the former Soviet Union in the past 10 years. Those who wish to express sympathy or support can write to:

    Dr. Avi Benvenisti, Principal
    Shevah Mofet High School
    7 Hamasger Street
    Tel-Aviv 67774
    Tel: 972-3-6883131
    Fax: 972-3-6394889

    The Israeli response:

     Political-Security Cabinet Communique - June 2, 2001:
    ... Terrorism is abominable. It is aimed at the indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Israel calls upon the international community to take action that will clarify that terrorism has a political price and that the community of nations does not accept terrorism as a legitimate means...
    Terrorism and radicalism are a threat to regional stability. There is not, and can never be, any compromise with terrorism...
    Only if the Palestinian Authority puts and end to terrorism and incitement, and takes action against the terrorist infrastructure in its territory, including the arrest of terrorists, can it be a partner to the political process.

    FM Peres: "I think what we need now is to mobilize the international community to stand against terror and to stand for the renewal of the negotiations. Our aim is peace; we do not want to dominate other people. We do not want to endanger other people. Our policy is clearly self-defense on the one hand and achieving peace on the other."

     Statements to the press following meeting of FM Peres with Russian Special Envoy Andrei Vdovin - June 5, 2001
     Briefing by FM Peres to the Diplomatic Corps - Opening remarks - June 4, 2001
     Conference Call by FM Peres to the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations - June 3, 2001

     In reaction to the announcement by Yasser Arafat on June 2 regarding a ceasefire, FM Peres said:
    The true and only test will be the cessation of terrorism, the arrest of those involved in terrorist activity, the inciters, the instigators and those behind them, putting an end to the sheltering of terrorists, and the acceptance of the Mitchell plan as is.
     PM Sharon addressed the subject of Arafat's statement in his telephone conversation with US Secy of State Powell - June 2, 2001
     PM Sharon to German FM Fischer: Arafat must halt incitement and violence, and arrest released terrorists; results must be seen immediately - June 3, 2001

    Reactions of world leaders:

     US President George Bush:
    "I condemn in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attack in Tel Aviv this Sabbath evening. There is no justification for senseless attacks against innocent civilians. This illustrates the urgent need for an immediate, unconditional cessation of violence. I call upon Chairman Arafat to condemn this act and to call for an immediate cease-fire. My deepest condolences and those of the American people go out to the victims and their families."
    - White House press release - June 1, 2001

     U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell:
    "Tonight's suicide bombing on an Israeli beach is a horrible act that ended many innocent lives for no conceivable earthly purpose. This act of terrorism deserves the entire world's strongest condemnation.
    I call on Chairman Arafat to:
    Condemn this senseless act, declare an immediate and total ceasefire, and take every action necessary to bring those responsible to justice.
    The Mitchell Committee report gives us a clear way out of this swamp of hatred and violence. It begins with the 'unconditional cessation of violence.' Let it begin now.
    I join all Americans in extending my prayers and sympathy to the victims and their families."
    - State Department press release - June 2, 2001

     U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
    "U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan is horrified by the suicide bombing that occurred in Tel Aviv late on Friday night. He condemns this indiscriminate terrorist attack in the strongest possible terms. This horrible event underlines the urgency of breaking the cycle of violence."
    - UN Secretary-General press release - June 1, 2001

     European Union
    "The Presidency of the European Union condemns the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv in the strongest possible terms and is appalled by the news of the deaths and injuries. The Presidency wishes to express its condolences to the bereaved families and its sympathies to the injured.
    The Presidency again appeals to the Palestinian Authority to do everything within its power to prevent terrorist attacks and to bring those responsible to justice. The Presidency appeals to Israel not to take measures which result in a further escalation of the cycle of violence."
    - EU press release, June 2, 2001

     Kuwaiti Foreign Minister and acting Premier Sabah
    al-Ahmed al-Sabah

    The Foreign Minister issued a statement (June 6, 2001) stressing that he does not support Palestinian suicide bombings against civilians.
    In an interview with the Ra'i al A'am newspaper, he said, "Regarding the Hamas movement and bombings in markets full of children, women, and unarmed civilians, we do not support this, although we support the national struggle of the Palestinian people... It is unfortunate that my [previous] statement was unde.stood as if we support those who bomb and kill. I want to affirm that we in Kuwait do not support this style: we tasted the bitterness of such attacks with the hijacking of our airplane [in 1985], and the killing of our children and our loved ones."

    Palestinian violence and terrorism since Sept 2000
    In Memory of the Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism
    Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)