Summary of IDF activity in Gaza

Summary of IDF activity in Gaza


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    Today, the IDF operated in the Gaza Strip as part of the continued effort to intercept terrorist activity intended to harm Israeli civilians. The IDF continues these preventative measures against terror threats, while doing its utmost to prevent uninvolved civilian casualties.

    The IDF targeted the following terror operatives in the southern Gaza Strip:

    • A Palestinian terrorist armed with an anti-tank missile near an IDF force.
    • Three senior Islamic Jihad terrorists: Omar Khatib, Khalil Daifi and Ahmad Abed Alal, who were recently involved in attacks against Israeli civilians.
    • Two Palestinian terrorists armed with an anti-tank missile in proximity to a force.
    • An aerial attack directed at gunmen who opened fire at an IDF force. Due to suspicion of an unarmed civilian being among the gunmen, the missile was diverted although the target still posed a threat.

    Two Kassam rocket launchers and two armed terrorists preparing to use the launchers to fire Kassam rockets from the northern Gaza Strip into Israel were targeted. On July 22 of this week, the IDF also targeted Kassam launchers and two terrorists who used them to fire rockets which struck the Sapir College in Sderot injuring an Israeli woman, a school in the city and another community in the western Negev.

    During the past week there were over 55 projectile launchings, approximately 30 of which landed in Israel. Of these, about 20 Kassam rockets were launched into Israel, 11 of which landed in Israel. At least 9 civilians were wounded by Kassam fire, including a baby girl in Kibbutz Karmia. There was also structural damage to property in the western Negev.

    During the past month over 120 rockets and mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip hit Israel.

    There was one attempt to infiltrate into Israel from the northern Gaza Strip this week. On Saturday night, July 21, an IDF force identified two gunmen carrying rifles and grenades attempting to infiltrate Israel, while hurling a hand grenade and activating an explosive device at the force, which responded with fire and hit the two.

    IDF targets three senior Islamic Jihad terrorists in southern Gaza Strip
    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    The following terrorists were targeted in the attack:

    Omar Khatib, a 37 year old resident of Gaza city, was involved in an attack against IDF forces at the Kissufim Crossing on June 9, 2007. In addition, he carried out numerous rocket attacks against Israeli civilians and fired a large number of mortar-shells and anti-tank missiles at IDF forces along the Gaza Strip security fence and in the surrounding region.

    Khalil Daifi, a 49 year old resident of the Shati refugee camp, served as the deputy of Omar Khatib and was involved in rocket attacks against Israeli civilians. Daifi also took part in numerous mortar shellings and anti-tank missile attacks against IDF forces along the Gaza security fence.

    Ahmed Abar Al'al, an Islamic Jihad terror operative.