Suicide bombing in Eilat bakery 29-Jan-2007

Suicide bombing in Eilat bakery

    ​Jan 29, 2007 - Three people were killed in a suicide bombing in a bakery in the southern city of Eilat. The Islamic Jihad and the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

    The bomber, identified as 21-year-old Gaza Strip resident Mohammed al-Saqsaq, apparently entered Israel from the Sinai, through the border with Egypt, several dozen kilometers northwest of Eilat. In the city, the terrorist hitched a ride with an Israeli civilian. Suspicious of the man carrying a bag, he dropped him off before reaching the city center and notified the police.

    The bomber detonated the charge at the bakery of a local shopping area before the police arrived, killing three Eilat residents: bakery co-owners Emi Elmaliah and Michael Ben Sa'adon, and an employee, Israel Zamalloa.

  • International Condemnation

    White House:

    "The United States strongly condemns the terrorist bombing in Eilat today, which resulted in the death of at least three civilians. Our condolences go out to the victims, their families, and the people of Israel. We also condemn those Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas, that condone these barbaric actions. 
    The burden of responsibility for preventing terrorist attacks rests with the Palestinian Authority government. Failure to act against terror will inevitably affect relations between that government and the international community and undermine the aspirations of the Palestinian people for a state of their own."

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

    "The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest possible terms today's suicide bombing at a bakery in Eilat, Israel, which killed three people and wounded another. Such acts of terrorism are a violation of international humanitarian law and can never be justified. The Secretary-General sends his deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this attack.
    The Secretary-General is also alarmed at announcements that further attacks against Israeli civilians are being planned. He calls for swift action by Palestinian security forces to bring to justice those responsible and prevent further attacks."

    EU Presidency (Germany):

    "1. The Presidency of the European Union condemns in the strongest terms the suicide attack perpetrated on 29 January in Eilat where three people were killed and many others wounded. It offers condolences to the families of the victims and its sympathy to the injured. Such attacks are aimed at innocent civilians with the goal of derailing the peace process.
    2. The Presidency urges the Palestinian leadership to do everything in its power to put an end to terror and bring to justice those who support terror. It is therefore vital to continue the genuine progress made in recent weeks in the search for peace, notably through the courageous efforts of both the Government of Israel and the Palestinian President to build confidence."

    British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett:

    "We utterly condemn this morning's suicide attack in Eilat. There can be no justification for attacks such as these. Our thoughts are with the families of the people killed and injured. Such incidents only serve to escalate further an already tense situation in the region..."


    The victims:

    • Emi Haim Elmaliah, 32, of Eilat
    • Michael Ben Sa'adon, 27, of Eilat 
    • Israel Zamalloa, 26, of Eilat 

    Emi Haim Elmaliah​

    Michael Ben Sa'adon​

    Israel Zamalloa​