Suicide bombing of Egged bus No 37 in Haifa-5-Mar-2003

Suicide bombing of Egged bus No 37 in Haifa-5-Mar-2003

      Suicide bombing of Egged bus No. 37 in Haifa
    March 5, 2003

    ©Magen David Adom 

    ©2003 Reuters/Nir Elias 

    ©2003 Reuters/Nir Elias 
    Rescue workers remove a body from the bus

    ©2003 Reuters/Ilan Kadosh 

    ©2003 Reuters/Ilan Kadosh 
    Passersby render first aid to bombing victims

    ©2003 Reuters/Nir Elias 
    Carnage inside the blown-up bus
    Seventeen people were killed and 53 wounded in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus No. 37 in the Carmel section of Haifa, en route to Haifa University. The blast, which took place on the city's main Moriah Boulevard near the Carmel Center, turned the bus into a charred wreck and scattered bodies along the road. The bus driver, a Christian Arab from Shfaram, was moderately injured.

    Police said the bomb was laden with metal shrapnel in order to maximize the number of injuries and strapped to the bomber's body.

    This was the first suicide bombing in two months, following the bombing in the Neve Sha'anan neighborhood in Tel-Aviv on January 5, in which 23 people were killed.

    Hamas spokesman Abdel Aziz Rantisi praised the attack but did not claim responsibility. The suicide bomber has been identified as Mahmoud Amadan Salim Kawasme, 20, member of Hamas and a computer student from the Hebron Polytechnic Institute. A letter found on his body praised the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers:

    "One of the miracles of the Koran - We present it to the Muslims, Jews and Christians

    The World Trade Center situated on a New York street corner on the edge of the water collapsed on 11 September 2001. Allah said 1,400 years ago that the end of the world will come on that street in that building.

    'Is one who establishes his building on the basis of reverencing god and to gain his approval better, or one who establishes his building on the brink of a rushing river, that falls down with him into the fire of hell? God does not guide the infidels.' (Verse 109, Surah 9, Repentance).

    In searching the Koran, we find: Verse 109 in Surah Repentance, which is found in the first part of the Koran - this is the day of collapse. The number of the Surah Repentance is 9 - this is the month of the collapse. The number of words in the Surah from its beginning to its end is 2001 - this is again the year of the collapse.

    With praise to god, can those who challenge god and those without religion believe in one god that has no partners, a god who told us all the events that will come to pass in the world in the holy book 1,400 years ago from the mouth of his prophet Mohammad?

    Please copy and dedicate this miracle to as many people as possible and Allah will reward you in his mercy..."

    Mother of suicide bomber: "I'm proud of my son."

    The victims:

    - Maryam Atar, 27, of Haifa
    - Smadar Firstater, 16, of Haifa
    - Kamar Abu Hamed, 12, of Daliat
    - Daniel Haroush, 16, of Safed
    - Mordechai Hershko, 41, of Haifa
    - Tom Hershko, 15, of Haifa
    - Meital Katav, 20, of Haifa
    - Elizabeth Katzman, 17, of Haifa
    - Tal Kehrmann, 17, of Haifa
    - St.-Sgt. Eliyahu Laham, 22, of Haifa
    - Abigail Litle, 14, of Haifa
    - Yuval Mendellevich, 13, of Haifa
    - St.-Sgt. Be'eri Oved, 21, of Rosh Pina
    - Mark Takash, 54, of Haifa
    - Asaf Zur (Zollinger), 17, of Haifa
    - Anatoly Biryakov, 20, of Haifa, died of his injuries on March 8.
    - Moran Shushan, 20, of Haifa, died of her injuries on March 11.

    Maryam Atar
    Smadar Firstater
    Kamar Abu Hamed
    Daniel Haroush

    Motti Hershko
    Tom Hershko
    Meital Katav
    Liz Katzman

    Tal Kehrmann
    Eliyahu Laham
    Abigail Litle

    Be'eri Oved
    Mark Takash
    Asaf Zur
    Anatoly Biryakov

    Moran Shushan

    News reports:

     The pungent smell of horror: Teenage witnesses - Ha'aretz, March 6, 2003
     Bombing draws international condemnation from leaders - Ha'aretz, March 6, 2003

    Reactions of world leaders

    US President George Bush: "The President condemns in the strongest terms today's attack on innocents in Israel. The President stands strongly with the people of Israel in fighting terrorism. His message to the terrorists is their efforts will not be successful. He will continue to pursue the path to peace in the Middle East and he urges all to condemn today's attack."

    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan: The Secretary-General ... utterly condemns ... today's terrorist attack in the Israeli city of Haifa... The Secretary-General remains convinced that violence will produce neither security nor lasting peace. He reiterates his call on the parties to allow the international community to help them find a peaceful way out of this conflict, based on the two-state solution through the implementation of the Quartet's Road Map."

    British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw: "I utterly condemn the brutal terrorist attack on bus number 37 in Haifa earlier today ... and extend my sympathy to the families of the victims and the injured. There is no justification for attacks on innocent civilians. Attacks like these will not help the Palestinian cause. Once again I urge all parties to do everything they can to prevent further bloodshed on both sides."

    German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer: "The Federal Government sharply condemns the brutal and cruel terrorist attack in Haifa. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the families of the victims and wish the injured a speedy recovery. Only a political solution can bring durable peace and genuine security to the region. Terror and force cannot be allowed to prevail."

    Palestinian violence and terrorism since Sept 2000
    In Memory of the Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism
    Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)