Suicide Bombers from Jenin

Suicide Bombers from Jenin

      Suicide Bombers from Jenin

    April 24, 2002

    Of some 100 terrorists who carried out suicide bombings since October 2000, 23 were from Jenin. In addition to the bombers listed below, security forces intercepted six more suicide attacks which were to have been carried out by seven terrorists from Jenin. Two of the attacks were to have been carried out in Jerusalem, two at unknown destinations within Israel, one in Haifa and one in Jenin.

    Made in JeninMade in Jenin:
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  • Ziyad Kilani - Hamas

    ©2001 Reuters 
    Mei Ami junction - March 1, 2001

    Mar 1, 2001 - One person was killed and 9 injured when he detonated a bomb in a Tel Aviv to Tiberias service taxi he was riding in. The taxi was stopped at a roadblock at the Mei Ami junction in Wadi Ara.

    In addition, he carried out a stabbing attack in the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv and planted a bomb on Allenby Street in Tel Aviv.

  • Osama Abu Al-Hija and 'Ala Sabbah - Islamic Jihad

    May 25, 2001 - 65 people were injured in a car bombing in the Hadera central bus station.

  • Jihad Jerar - Islamic Jihad

    July 11, 2001 - was captured in Afula while trying to detonate explosives carried in a bag on his body. None injured.

  • Nidal Abu Shaduf - Islamic Jihad

    ©2001 Reuters 
    Binyamina - July 16, 2001

    July 16, 2001 - Two people were killed and 11 wounded, 3 seriously, when the bomb he carried on his body exploded at a bus stop near the train station in Binyamina, halfway between Netanya and Haifa.

  • Morad Nursi - Islamic Jihad

    July 22, 2001 - was captured in Haifa while trying to detonate an explosive belt. None injured.

  • Mohammed Abu Khader Bisharat - Islamic Jihad

    Aug 2, 2001 - captured while trying to board a bus near Beit Shean and explode it. None injured.

  • Iz A-Din Al-Masri - Hamas

    ©2001 Reuters 
    Sbarro pizzeria - Aug 9, 2001

    Aug 9, 2001 - 15 people were killed, including 7 children, and about 130 injured by the suicide bomb he carried in a bag into the Sbarro Pizzeria on the corner of King George Street and Jaffa Road in the center of Jerusalem.

  • Mohammed Nasser - Islamic Jihad

    Aug 12, 2001 - 21 people were injured when he detonated his explosive belt in the Wall Street Cafe in the center of Kiryat Motzkin.

  • Ahmed Daraghma - Islamic Jihad

    Oct 7, 2001 - One person was killed when he detonated a large bomb strapped to his body near the entrance of Kibbutz Sheluchot in the Beit She'an Valley.

  • Samar Shahawana - Islamic Jihad

    ©2001 Reuters 
    Bus bombing - Nov 29, 2001

    Nov 29, 2001 - Three people were killed and nine others were wounded in the suicide bombing of an Egged bus no. 823 en route from Nazereth to Tel Aviv near the city of Hadera.

  • Nimer Abu Sifin - Islamic Jihad

    Dec 9, 2001 - About 30 people were injured, most lightly, from the partial explosion of a bomb near a bus stop at the Checkpost Junction in Haifa. The terrorist was seriously injured and shot to death. A second explosive device was found nearby and safely detonated by security forces.

  • Abd Al-Karim Tahaineh - Islamic Jihad

    ©Zoom 77 
    Bus bombing - March 5, 2001

    Mar 5, 2002 - One man was killed and a large number of people injured, most lightly, when he detonated a bomb on his body in an Egged bus no. 823 as it entered the Afula central bus station.

  • Bilal Walid Ali - Islamic Jihad

    Mar 7, 2002 - Was captured when he reached Karkur wearing an explosive belt. A second explosive device was found hidden in a bird cage. None injured.

  • Rifat Abu Diakh - Islamic Jihad

    ©2002 Reuters 
    Bus bombing - March 20, 2001

    Mar 20, 2002 - Seven people, four of them soldiers, were killed and about 30 wounded, several seriously, when he detonated an explosive belt in an Egged bus no. 823 traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth at the Musmus junction on Highway 65 (Wadi Ara) near Afula.

  • Majdi Hanfur - Fatah

    Mar 30, 2002 - One policeman was killed and one was injured in Baka al-Garbiyeh, during an exchange of fire with him and another terrorist who were trying to cross into Israel to carry out a suicide attack.

  • Shadi Tubasi - Hamas

    ©Zoom 77 
    Matza restaurant - March 31, 2001

    Mar 31, 2002 - 15 people were killed and over 40 injured when he detonated his explosive belt in the Matza restaurant in Haifa, near the Grand Canyon shopping mall.

  • Ragheb Jaradat - Palestine Islamic Jihad

    Apr 10, 2002 - Eight people were killed and 22 injured in the suicide attack on Egged bus no. 960, en route from Haifa to Jerusalem, which exploded near Kibbutz Yagur, east of Haifa.
