Senior PFLP terrorist arrested in Nablus

Senior PFLP terrorist arrested in Nablus


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)
    Now released for publication: Samer Zubahi Qasam Mabruk, a senior Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror operative in Nablus, was arrested during the night in a joint IDF, ISA and Border Police operation in the Ein Beit Ilma refugee camp. Mabruc, 30, had been involved in numerous attacks against IDF forces operating in the area. His attacks included: opening fire and detonating explosive devices at IDF forces, vehicles and tools.

    Majdi, the brother of Samer Mabruk and also a senior terror operative in the area, was arrested last February in an operation by security forces. 

    Two additional wanted men were arrested during the night:

    Daud Muhammad Abdallah Daud, 41, a PFLP terror operative that operated together with Samer Mabruk in recent years and took an active part in many shooting and explosive device attacks against IDF forces operating in the area. 

    Amjad Mustafa Qasam Mabruk, 42, another PFLP terror operative. Amjad Mabruk had been arrested a number of times in different cases for his active part in different terror attacks.