Rockets from Gaza hit school and synagogue in Sderot

Rockets from Gaza hit school and synagogue in Sderot


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    Close to 30 Kassam rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel in the past 24 hours, two of which hit a school and a synagogue in Sderot.

    More than 90 Kassam rockets were launched into Israel since Tuesday.

    Close to 400 rockets were launched since the November ceasefire.

     The IDF targeted a rocket launching cell immediately after launching rockets into Israel from the northern Gaza Strip, this morning. Additionally, the IDF carried out during the night an aerial attack against a structure near the Karni crossing in the northern Gaza Strip, used as a meeting place and headquarters for Hamas terrorists and from which terrorist activity against Israeli citizens was planned. The targeted structure was suspected of covering a tunnel used by the terror organizations, which continuously plan attacks against the Karni and other crossings.