6.5 tons of potassium nitrate discovered in sugar bags marked as EU assistance

6.5 tons of potassium nitrate discovered in sugar bags marked as EU assistance

    Bags marked as EU-imported sugar containing potassium nitrate used to produce explosives in Gaza

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    Now released for publication: In a joint IDF and ISA operation several weeks ago, a truck was caught at one of the crossing points in Judea and Samaria carrying approximately 6.5 tons of potassium nitrate. The potassium nitrate was disguised in sugar bags, and was intended for use by terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

    Potassium nitrate is a banned substance in the Gaza Strip and the Judea and Samaria region due to its use by terrorists for the manufacturing of explosives and Kassam rockets.

    The terror organizations disguised the potassium nitrate in sugar bags that were marked as being part of the humanitarian aid provided by the European Union. This is another example of how the terror organizations exploit the humanitarian aid that is delivered to the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip with Israel's approval.