Perpetrators of Bat Yam terror attack arrested 2 Jan 2014

Perpetrators of Bat Yam terror attack arrested

    The operatives who planned and executed the bus bombing in Bat Yam on December 22, 2013 - members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror infrastructure in Bethlehem - were arrested.
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    Shahada and Hamdi Ta'amri, two of the suspects arrested Shahada and Hamdi Ta'amri, two of the suspects arrested Copyright: Israel Security Agency (ISA)
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    The ISA, in cooperation with the IDF and the Israeli Police, arrested the operatives who planned, prepared and executed the bus bombing in Bat Yam on December 22, 2013. The operatives were members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror infrastructure in Bethlehem. In their investigations, the suspects confessed they planned to execute a devastating terror attack in Israel.

    The explosive device used for the attack was prepared by the Ta’amri brothers. They used 2kgs of improvised explosive material, including nails, screws and a cell phone activation system which could detonate the bomb from a distance.

    The explosive device was given to Harimi, hidden in a black bag, which he carried on the morning of December 22, 2013 to the southern Hebron hills area. He then infiltrated into Israel, along with several other Palestinians through a breach in the security fence.

    An Israeli Bedouin drove him to Jaffa, and after praying in a mosque there, Harimi boarded the No. 240 Dan bus company line, placed the explosive device in the center of the bus, left the bus, and a few minutes later placed a called to the cell phone, activating the explosive device.

    Harimi, who was arrested in Bethlehem on December 26, 2013, admitted during his investigation that the cell was planning on executing another major terror attack in the area of Jaffa-Tel-Aviv in the following days. The arrest of this terror network prevented this attack from taking place.

    During Hamdi’s investigation, security personnel uncovered 20kgs of explosives hidden near his house.

    The investigation is ongoing, further arrests of suspects are expected.

    The central suspects arrested include:

    • Shahada Ta'amri, 24, previously arrested for his involvement with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
    • Hamdi Ta'amri, 21, also previously arrested for his involvement with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Member of the Palestinian police (Jericho police officer cadet)
    • Sami Harimi, 20, who up until several months ago was illegally employed in a restaurant in Jaffa.
    • Yousef Salame, 22