Palestinian Terrorism- Photos-November 2000

Palestinian Terrorism- Photos-November 2000

      Palestinian Terrorism: Photos - November 2000

    Photo: IDF Spokesman 
    Two people were killed and 10 injured when a car bomb exploded near the Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem at 3:00 PM on November 2.

    Photo: IDF Spokesman 

    Photo: Meir Azoulay 
    A roadside bomb exploded at 7:30 in the morning on November 20 alongside a bus carrying children from Kfar Darom to school in Gush Katif. Two adults accompanying the children were killed and 9 others, including 5 children, were injured, 5 of them seriously.

    Among those seriously injured are three children of the Cohen family:
    12-year-old Orit, whose right foot was amputated, her 7-year-old brother Yisrael whose right leg was amputated below the knee, and their 8-year-old sister, Tehila, who lost both legs despite doctors' efforts to save them. They were visited by President Moshe Katsav.

    Photo: IDF Spokesman 

    Itamar Yefet, 18, of Netzer Hazani died from a gunshot wound to the head after a Palestinian sniper shot him at the Gush Katif junction on November 21.

    Photo: IDF Spokesman 

    Photo: Ofira Wolk 

    A powerful car bomb was detonated at 17:30 on Wednesday (November 22) alongside a passing bus on Hadera's main street, when the area was packed with shoppers and people driving home from work. Two were killed and 60 injured.



    Among those seriously injured was Thara Abu-Hussein, an 18-month-old Arab Israeli girl, who suffered burns over 15 percent of her body. Palestinian terrorism doesn't distinguish between Jews and Arabs.




    Photo: IDF Spokesman 

    Lt. Edward Matchnik, 21, was killed in an explosion at the District Coordinating Office near Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip (November 23), where Palestinians and IDF soldiers had worked side by side for the past seven years. The joint DCOs were established at the borders of Palestinian-ruled areas under the interim peace accords and were responsible for coordinating security and humanitarian cooperation.
       "MOCK TERROR"
    © REUTERS/Nayef Hashlamoun 
    Palestinians burn a model Israeli bus at a Hamas rally in Hebron marking the anniversary of the first intifada (Dec 11, 2000).