Monthly terrorism summary-January 2011

Monthly terrorism summary-January 2011

    January 2011 has seen an increase in the number of attacks compared to December.- Full report

    (Israel Security Agency)

    January 2011 has seen an increase in the number of attacks compared to December: 83 attacks as opposed to 74 in December 2010. This increase was salient in the Judea and Samaria area: 33 attacks as opposed to 18 in December, and 20 attacks in November and October. Jerusalem has also seen a slight increase in the number of attacks: 20 attacks, as opposed to 18 in December.

    The Gaza Strip has demonstrated a decline in the number of attacks as opposed to December: 30 attacks as opposed to 38 in December. At the same time, the degree of terrorism originating in the Gaza Strip remains relatively high, compared to November (22 attacks) and October (18 attacks).

    As for victims of terror attacks, January notes three casualties from the Israeli security forces as a result of firebombs thrown in Judea (January 1, one casualty) and Jerusalem (January 28, two casualties).

    Data regarding terrorist attacks in January 2011

    Following is a regional distribution of attacks:

    • 30 attacks in the Gaza Strip (as opposed to 38 in December);
    • 33 attacks in the West Bank (as opposed to 18 in December); and
    • 20 attacks in Jerusalem (as opposed to 18 in December).
    • Jerusalem and the West Bank - most attacks executed in January (47 out of 53) were in the form of firebombs (December: 33 out of 36).

    Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:

    • The Gaza Strip - 30 attacks: 12 rocket launchings, 13 mortar shell launchings, 3 small arms shootings, one AT launching and one explosive device.
    • Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem - 53 attacks: one explosive device, 4 grenade throwing (two in Jerusalem), one small arms shooting, 47 Molotov cocktail throwing (18 in Jerusalem).

    High-trajectory launchings from the Gaza Strip

    Throughout January 2011, 17 rockets and 26 mortar shells were launched towards Israel (in 25 attacks) compared to 15 rockets and 38 mortar shells in December 2010 (in 30 attacks).