Monthly terrorism summary - February 2011

Monthly terrorism summary - February 2011

    February 2011 has seen a decrease in the number of attacks compared to previous month.

    (Israel Security Agency)

    February 2011 has seen a decrease in the number of attacks compared to previous month: 61 attacks as opposed to 83 in January. The decrease was salient both in the Gaza Strip (18 attacks as opposed to 30 in January) and in Judea and Samaria (23 attacks as opposed to 33).

    Yet, in spit of the decrease in the number of attacks within the Judea and Samaria area, the number of attacks in February is higher than its level in the last quarter of 2010 (18 attacks in December, and 20 attacks in October and November).

    Throughout February 2011, 6 rockets and 19 mortar shells were launched towards Israel (in 14 attacks) compared to 17 rockets and 26 mortar shells in January 2011 (in 25 attacks).

    Despite this decrease, a Grad rocket was launched towards Be'er Sheva (February 23) - the first launching the city has experienced since Operation Cast Lead. Four Israelis were treated for trauma.

    The number of attacks In the Jerusalem area remains the same (20 attacks).

    As for casualties from terror attacks - two Israeli security officers were injured by firebombs in Judea (February 26)