Islamic Jihad terror-operative arrested at Ein-Bidan crossing

Islamic Jihad terror-operative arrested at Ein-Bidan crossing

    Islamic Jihad terror-operative arrested this afternoon at the Ein-Bidan crossing, east of Nablus.

    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    In a joint IDF and ISA arrest operation this afternoon, forces arrested Hamid Maged Muhamad Dragma, a wanted Jenin based Islamic Jihad terror-operative. 

    Dragma, 25, resident of the village of Tubas, northeast of Nablus, had received 80,000 NIS to his personal bank account, to be used by the Islamic Jihad. After receiving legal approval and the approval of the management of the bank, IDF forces entered the bank with Dragma, who withdrew the 80,000 NIS intended for terrorist use, from his account.

    The Islamic Jihad infrastructure in northern Samaria, the intended recipient of these funds, is responsible for many deadly suicide bombings in recent years, and continues to plan attacks against Israeli civilians.

    Recently, terror organizations are increasingly making use of the bank accounts of supposed innocents in order to transfer large sums of money from the Islamic Jihad command in Syria to terrorist operatives.