ISA & IDF apprehend terror cell responsible for shooting attacks 19 Jul 2015

ISA & IDF apprehend terror cell responsible for shooting attacks

    Terrorists responsible for the shooting attacks in which Danny Gonen and Malachi Rosenfeld were killed were apprehended in joint Israel Security Agency (ISA) and IDF operations in the West Bank.
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    Weapons confiscated during the apprehension of the terror cell responsible for the murder of Danny Gonen Weapons confiscated during the apprehension of the terror cell responsible for the murder of Danny Gonen Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    On Wednesday, July 15, 2015, Mohammed Abu Shaheen was captured in a joint Israel Security Agency (ISA) and IDF operation. On June 19, 2015, he stopped an Israeli vehicle near the Ein Buvin Spring in the Dolev community, pretending to ask for directions and then opened fire, mortally wounding Danny Gonen and injuring a second civilian.

    Following the June 19 incident, the IDF and ISA conducted searches in the area of the attack in a collaborative effort to track the perpetrator. During their searches, the forces uncovered and arrested a terrorist cell consisting of several operatives from the area of Qalandiya. Members of the cell admitted to plotting and executing of the June 19 attack and to other shooting attacks in which they fired at security forces in the area of Qalandiya.

    During the investigation, several munitions were recovered in the terrorists' possession, including the weapon used for the execution of numerous shooting attacks.

    The captured members of the terror cell:

    Mohammed Abu Shaheen: Fatah operative. Was imprisoned between 2006-2008 after admitting to planning shooting and stabbing attacks. Executed the drive-by shooting attack near the Ein Buvin spring in which Danny Gonnen was killed.Throughout 2014, Abu Shaheen committed six other shooting attacks, including the Ah-Ram shooting attack of November 17, 2014 in which he shot and wounded an IDF soldier.

    Amjad Aduan: Fatah operative. Formerly arrested and imprisoned for weapon trafficking. Was involved in the planning of shooting attacks and explosive device attacks. Aduan provided Abu Shaheen with munition and operated as an observer in several terror attacks he executed in cooperation with Abu Shaheen.

    Osama Asad: Fatah operative. Formerly imprisoned for weapon trafficking and engaging in terror activity. Asad was released from prison in the second part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal. He concealed in his home the weapon Abu Shaheen used to commit the Ein Buvin drive-by shooting attack.

    Mohammed Aduan: Concealed in his home the weapon Abu Shaheen used to commit several shooting attacks. The weapon was confiscated upon his arrest.

    Ashraf Amar: Operative in the military intelligence branch of the PA. Amar assisted Abu Shaheen with plotting a shooting attack similar to the Ein Buvin attack.

    Following the shooting attack on June 29, 2015 in which Malachi Rosenfeld was murdered and three others were wounded, the ISA and IDF conducted a search in Judea and Samaria. In the joint operation, the ISA, IDF and Israel Police, discovered, detained and questioned the terror cell responsible for the The group is also responsible for the shooting attack that occurred on June 27, in which the terrorists opened fire on an Israeli ambulance and other Israeli vehicles. Members of the Palestinian Authority security forces assisted in the arrests. ISA investigators noted that members of the network also attempted to carry out another attack on June 6, 2015.

    Under questioning, it was discovered that the attacks were planned by Ahmed Najar, a Hamas activist formerly imprisoned for involvement in shooting attacks that caused the death of Israeli civilians, who was released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.

    IDF Spokesperson Lt Col Peter Lerner: "Extensive intelligence and operational access enabled the IDF once more to arrest a Hamas cell that intentionally targeted civilians and medical first aid responders. It was a matter of time until these terrorists used their weapons once more to attack. This operation successfully stopped them before the fulfillment of their heinous intentions."

    Terror operatives detained in the process of uncovering the cell:

    Ahmed Najar, born in 1976, a resident of Jordan, originally from Silwad. A Hamas activist, formerly imprisoned several times (last in December 2003 to October 2011) for his involvement in shooting attacks, which killed six Israeli citizens. Was released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange. He guided and provided financing activity of the cell.

    Amgad Najar, born in 1977, resident of Silwad, was arrested on July 7, 2015. A Hamas activist, and brother of Ahmed Najar. In the 90s was arrested for involvement in terrorist activity. He admitted to transfering instructions from his brother Ahmed, as well as weapons that were used for the attack.

    Abdullah Ishaq, born in 1991, resident of Silwad, was arrested on July 7, 2015. Was detained between 2010-2011 for involvement in terrorist activity and for weapons trafficking in particular. In 2006 he was involved in planning a shooting attack. Admitted direct involvement in the  attacks as a driver, and in other terrorist activities as part of the terrorist group.

    Mu'adh Hamed, born in 1989, resident of Silwad, Hamas activist, was arrested several times in the past for involvement in planning attacks. According to the investigation Hamed carried out the shooting attacks.

    Ahmed Shebirui, born in 1986, resident of Silwad, a Hamas activist, was arrested several times in the past for involvement in planning attacks. According to the investigation Shebirui provided the weapons used to carry out the aforementioned attacks.

    Faaz Hamed, born in 1973, resident of Silwad, was arrested on July 9, 2015. He was a ranking Hamas leader who was arrested several times for involvement in Hamas activity. Admitted to planning the shooting attacks and attempting another attack.

    Jamal Jamil Yunis, born in 1953, a resident of the West Bank town of Kutzra was arrested on July 10, 2015. Yunis took the car used in the shooting attack to be destroyed at a junk yard, and helped the cell obtain the weapons used in the attack.