IDF thwarts second terror attack from Gaza Strip

IDF thwarts second terror attack from Gaza Strip

    An IDF force identified suspects planting explosives along the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip, the second such incident in the past 72 hours.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    On December 28, an IDF force identified a number of suspects planting explosives along the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. A combined force, consisting of IAF aircraft and an armored force fired at the suspects. The forces confirmed hitting one of the suspects.
    This event mark the second such incident in the past 72 hours. On Sunday, December 26, several suspects were identified planting explosives in the same location. In response IDF forces and an IAF aircraft opened fire at the suspects, and confirmed direct hits.
    The presence of Palestinian civilians in the area adjacent to the security fence is used by terrorist organizations as cover for their activities, including planting explosive devices, planning terrorist attacks and attempting to kidnap IDF soldiers. For this reason, the IDF will not allow anyone to be present in this area. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip.