IDF thwarts attack along Gaza security fence

IDF thwarts attack along Gaza security fence

    The four terrorists targeted were heavily armed.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    Early Tuesday morning (13 April), an IDF force identified a number of suspicious persons planting explosives along the security fence in the central Gaza Strip. The force fired at the suspects, and confirmed direct hits. Four terrorists were apparently killed and two injured as a result of the shooting.  

    IDF searches following the incident near the central Gaza Strip security fence turned up the bodies of terrorists associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization. The IDF found explosive devices, assault rifles, hand grenades and additional weaponry on the bodies. The explosive devices were detonated in a controlled manner.

    The presence of Palestinian civilians in the area adjacent to the security fence in Gaza is used by terrorist organizations as cover for their activities, including planting explosive devices, planning terrorist attacks and attempts to kidnap IDF soldiers. For this reason, the IDF considers this a combat zone.

    On March 26, an IDF officer and an IDF soldier were killed and two soldiers were injured, during an exchange of fire with terrorists who were planting explosive devices along the security fence.