IDF soldiers kill two terrorists planting explosives along Gaza security fence

IDF soldiers kill two terrorists planting explosives along Gaza security fence

    The two men recently planted explosive devices along the Gaza security fence and are responsible for firing mortar shells into Israeli territory.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    On Sunday afternoon (20 September 2009), an IDF armored force identified two terror operatives planting explosive devices along the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip. The soldiers on the scene fired tank shells and mortar fire, and identified hitting the suspects.

    The two men, both in their early twenties, Abed Hafiz al-Silawi and Mahmoud Ahmed Muhammed Nazir, recently planted explosive devices along the Gaza security fence and are responsible for firing mortar shells into Israeli territory. Abed Silawi was an active member of the Popular Resistance Committee and Mahmoud Nazir was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
    Moreover, Silawi and Nazir are responsible for firing three rockets into Israeli territory on August 24th and injuring an IIDF soldier.

    The Israeli Air Force successfully targeted three arms smuggling tunnels in the Rafah border area of the southern Gaza Strip. The attack was in response to Kassam rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory during the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
    Approximately 715 Kassam rockets, mortar shells and Grad missiles were fired at Israel since the beginning of 2009.

    The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization responsible for maintaining the calm in the communities of southern Israel and will respond to any attempt to disrupt this calm.