IDF response to rockets fired at Israel

IDF response to rockets fired at Israel


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    In response to the barrage of Kassam rockets, mortar shells and Grad missiles fired at Israel in recent days, the Israel Air Force attacked a number of targets in the southern Gaza Strip a short while ago. The targets included four smuggling tunnels and a weapons storage facility. Secondary explosions were seen following a number of the attacks.

    Two Kassam rockets were launched at Israel this morning. Over 30 Kassam rockets, mortar shells and Grad missiles were fired at Israel since the holding of fire.

    On Thursday evening, an infiltration attempt wad thwarted on the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. An IDF force identified a suspicious man approaching the fence and entered the area, beginning the regular rules of engagement. The terror operative then drew a hand grenade from his bag forcing the soldiers to open fire. The grenade he was holding exploded and the man was killed.

    As the sole authority in the Gaza Strip, Hamas bears full responsibility for all the terror activities originating within its area of control.