IDF response to rocket barrage on Israel

IDF response to rocket barrage on Israel

    About a dozen rockets and mortar bombs fired from Gaza struck Israel on Sunday, February 1; three Israelis were wounded by shrapnel.

    (Communicated  by the IDF Spokesperson)

    In response to the barrage of Kassam rockets and mortar shells fired at Israel on Sunday (1 February), wounding an Israeli civilian and two IDF soldiers, the Israel Air Force attacked a number of targets throughout the Gaza Strip.

    The targets attacked include six smuggling tunnels and a Hamas outpost.

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    A Grad type missile was launched at the city of Ashkelon Tuesday morning (3 February). Over 30 Kassam rockets, mortar shells, and Grad missiles were fired at Israel since the holding of fire.

    In response to the barrage of Kassam rockets, mortar shells, and Grad missiles fired at Israel in recent days, the Israel Air Force attacked a number of targets throughout the Gaza Strip. The targets included five smuggling tunnels, a rocket launching site and a Hamas outpost.

    As the sole authority in the Gaza Strip, Hamas bears full responsibility for all terrorism originating within its area of control.