IDF fires at terrorists approaching Gaza security fence

IDF fires at terrorists approaching Gaza security fence

    IDF forces opened fire at armed Palestinians who approached the security fence at the central Gaza Strip.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    On Saturday morning (February 20), IDF forces opened fire at armed Palestinians who approached the security fence at the central Gaza Strip. Army Radio reported that artillery fire was used at first while attack helicopters scrambled later firing from the air. Palestinian sources reported three causalities. According to several non-verified reports, the terrorist were trying to penetrate into Israel in order to carry out a terror attack.

    Last Friday (February 19), IDF forces opened fire at a terrorist planting explosives at the security fence, in the same area just near Kibbutz Kissufim. The terrorist managed to escape from the scene. The day before, the Air Force struck a terrorist cell near the Karni crossing in central Gaza Strip.

    On Thursday (February 18), a Golani soldier was wounded in an explosion in the same region. Apparently, the explosive was activated remotely. Scans conducted by the force later found more explosives which where blown up by sappers in a controlled manner.

    On Tuesday morning (February 16), IDF forces uncovered a powerful explosive device close to the Kissufim border crossing in the southern Gaza Strip. The explosive was detonated in a controlled manner at the end of the ground operation. There were no casualties and no damage was caused. The IDF emphasizes that Hamas is responsible for all events and the quiet inside the Gaza Strip.