IDF uncovers weapons cache and explosives laboratory in Nablus

IDF uncovers weapons cache and explosives laboratory in Nablus

    Weapons cache with materials for rocket manufacturing

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    During a joint IDF and ISA operation against terrorist infrastructure that began Wednesday night in Nablus, IDF forces discovered a weapons cache and an explosives laboratory as well as various types of weaponry. Nablus contains some of the most advanced and dangerous terrorist infrastructures, while the highest amount of terrorist attacks from Judea and Samaria originate from the Nablus region.

    The weapons cache that was found had stored materials for rocket manufacturing, explosive substances and military equipment. In addition, an explosives laboratory was discovered containing explosive substances, gunpowder, shrapnel pellets, electric cables and other materials for preparing explosive devices. Lastly, an explosive belt was uncovered, including ammunition for grenade launchers and assault rifles, as well as miscellaneous military equipment. All of the weaponry uncovered was detonated in a controlled environment by IDF sappers. In addition, 23 wanted Palestinians were arrested during the operation in Nablus.

    In two separate incidents, armed gunmen opened fire and hurled improvised hand grenades at IDF forces. In both incidents no injuries or damage were reported.