IDF forces discover terrorist tunnel in northern Gaza

IDF forces discover terrorist tunnel in northern Gaza

    Generator used to aid tunnel-digging

    (Communicated by IDF Spokesperson)

    The IDF uncovered a tunnel yesterday in the northern Gaza Strip only 700 meters (nearly half a mile) from the security fence. The Golani Infantry Brigade, assisted by combat engineering and armored forces, discovered the tunnel following information received from the ISA and intelligence sources.

    The tunnel had been dug from inside a greenhouse used for growing tomatoes. Terrorists intended to use the tunnel to infiltrate into Israeli territory with the intention of carrying out a large-scale terror attack. The discovery of the tunnel and the prevention of the attack were made possible by the IDF's continued activity in the area.

    Tunnels are increasingly employed as a means to infiltrate into Israel in order to execute terrorist attacks against civilians and for the purpose of smuggling weapons and illegal contraband. IDF activity - which routinely searches for tunnel networks - is designed to thwart the terrorists' aims.