IDF arrest operation against Hamas infrastructure on the outskirts of Khan Yunis

IDF arrest operation against Hamas infrastructure on the outskirts of Khan Yunis


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    During the night and early hours of the morning, IDF forces operated on the outskirts of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. The forces operated in the area in order to arrest Basem Salem Suliman Kadah, a senior Hamas operative responsible for the manufacturing of large quantities of weaponry, among them Qassam rockets and mortar bombs, used by terror cells to fire at IDF posts and Israeli communities in and around the Gaza Strip.

    During the operation the Hamas operative attempted to escape arrest, while carrying a bag containing explosives. As he was fleeing, the forces opened fire towards the terrorist causing the detonation of the explosives inside the bag. As a result of the powerful blast, Kadah and his wife, who had attempted to escape with him, were killed.

    In addition, IDF forces identified two suspicious figures attempting to flee the area. During the pursuit one of the figures, a wanted Hamas operative was struck by an IDF vehicle and was killed. Another operative who was armed with an RPG was shot by the forces.

    During the operation, Palestinians fired an anti tank missile towards the IDF forces; no injuries were reported.

    The IDF operation uncovered a weaponry workshop, which was owned by Kadah. The workshop was destroyed. In addition, the forces demolished Kadah's house and the structure in which he was hiding.