IAF strikes rocket launcher, smuggling tunnels in Gaza Strip

IAF strikes rocket launcher, smuggling tunnels in Gaza Strip

    During Yom Kippur, three Kassams and one mortar shell was fired towards Israel.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)
    The IAF struck a rocket launcher ready to be fired at Israel. During Yom Kippur, three Kassams and one mortar shell were fired towards Israel.

    On Monday (Sept. 28), the Israeli Air Force struck a rocket launcher ready to be fired into Israel from the northern Gaza Strip. The operation was coordinated with the Israel Security Agency, and the pilots identified hitting the target successfully.

    During Yom Kippur, Palestinians fired three Kassam rockets at the western Negev, one of which exploded at noon in the Gaza Strip while the other two hit western Negev towns in the region. No casualties or injuries were reported. A mortar shell was also launched but exploded in Palestinian territory.

    In separate incidents, Palestinians opened fire at an IDF force moving near the perimeter fence. The force returned fire towards the source.

    Over the weekend before Yom Kippur, several mortar shells and Kassam rockets were fired in response to an IAF attack at a rocket launching squad ready to fire missiles towards Israel. In the attack, three Islamic Jihad terrorists were killed while preparing the Kassam rocket launchers to be fired at Israel.

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    IAF hits three smuggling tunnels in southern Gaza Strip
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)
    On Tuesday night (Sept. 29) the Israeli Air Force targeted three smuggling tunnels in the Rafah border area in the southern Gaza Strip. The attack was carried out in response to Kassam rockets and a mortar shell fired into Israeli territory from the Gaza during the previous 48 hours and during the Jewish Yom Kippur holiday at the beginning of the week.

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    IAF strikes two tunnels in southern Gaza
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)
    On Wednesday night (Sept. 30), the Israeli Air Force struck two weapon smuggling tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip. Successful hitting of the targets was reported. All the aircrafts returned safely to their bases.
    The attack was carried out in response to a Kassam rocket fired towards Israeli territory earlier on Wednesday night (Sept. 30). The Kassam rocket hit an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council area. No casualties or damages were caused by the rocket.