IAF hits terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip; Kerem Shalom crossing closed

IAF hits terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip; Kerem Shalom crossing closed

    The IAF operation was carried out in response to rocket and Kassam fire on Thursday (Jan 7); Kerem Shalom crossing closed  due to the firing of mortar shells.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    On Thursday night (January 7, 2010), the Israel Air Force targeted and identified hitting four targets in the Gaza Strip in a joint operation with the Israel Security Agency. The operation was carried out in response to the barrage of mortar shells and the Kassam rocket fired into Israel earlier during the day. One terror tunnel in the central Gaza Strip, two weaponry smuggling tunnels in the Rafah border area and one weaponry manufacturing facility in Gaza city were among the targets. 

    The terror tunnel was intended to be used for infiltration into Israeli territory in order to execute a terrorist attack against Israeli civilians or IDF soldiers. The tunnel was dug approximately one kilometer from the Israeli border.

    Kerem Shalom border crossing closed after mortar fire

    The border crossing used for cargo transfer in Kerem Shalom has been closed today due to the firing of mortar shells. According to an announcement issued by the Ministry of Defense, the crossing will be closed indefinitely until further notification.

    On Thursday (Jan. 7) Israel Army Radio reported that Palestinians fired nine mortar shells from the Gaza Strip to Israel, four of which were fired with the same rocket launcher, at approximately 7:30 am, followed by two additional mortar shots. All of the shells were fired in the direction of Kerem Shalom, and detonated in open land near residential areas of the border crossing next to the town. In each incident no one was wounded and no damage was caused. In the afternoon three more mortar shells were fired, hitting open land west of the Negev desert. No one was wounded.