Head of Islamic Jihad targeted by the IAF in Gaza

Head of Islamic Jihad targeted by the IAF in Gaza


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    Bashir Dabash, 40, the head of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip from the Shati camp in Gaza City, was targeted by the IAF. Bashir was responsible for dozens of terrorist attacks and attempted attacks carried out by his operatives against Israeli civilian and military targets in Israel and the Gaza Strip in which 8 Israeli civilians and IDF forces were killed and 14 others wounded.

    Dabash was responsible for a variety of attacks, such as suicide bombings, launching of rockets, mortars and anti-tank missiles and placing explosive devices. Furthermore, he was behind the purchasing and developing weaponry and maintained regular contact with other terrorist organizations.

    The following are terrorist attacks in which he was involved:

    July 8 2004 - Five IDF soldiers injured including the Southern brigade commander in the Gaza Strip by an explosive device activated at an IDF vehicle near Morag.

    June 8 2003 - Four IDF soldiers killed and four injured at an IDF post near the Erez industrial zone due to infiltration of three operatives.

    December 20 2002 - A shooting attack at a car near the Kissufim junction killing the Rabbi of the community Netzer Hazani.

    November 5 2002 - Sending a suicide bomber to the Erez crossing which was killed in June 25 2002 - IDF soldier injured in Karni crossing.

    May 5 2002 - Two IDF soldiers injured by two terrorists infiltrated to Israel near the Kissufim crossing, and killed by IDF force.

    April 14 2002 - An infiltration attempt to the community of Eli-Sinai.
    March 27 2002 - Two IDF soldiers injured by two terrorists infiltrated to Israel near the Kissufim crossing, and killed by IDF force.