Hamas Exploitation of Civilians

Hamas Exploitation of Civilians

    Selected videos

    Hamas Use of Civilians as Human Shields

    A short film presenting visual evidence of the long-standing Hamas tactic of exploiting civilians as human shields, and civilian buildings as cover for terrorist attacks.

    Transcript of video


    An armed Hamas terrorist violently grabs an innocent young boy off the street to use as a human shield in order to save his own life.  


    Excerpts from a speech by Hamas MP Fathi Hammad (29 February 2008) on Hamas' al-Aqsa television station that tells how women, children and the elderly have been inducted into Hamas' death-worshipping cult and turned into human shields.  
    Fathi Hammad: [The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking. For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: "We desire death like you desire life."


    ANB TV-Lebanon (20 November 2006) shows a crowd of Palestinians gathering on the roof of Wa'el Rajab, a high-ranking Hamas police officer, to act as human shields. Nizar Rayan, a senior Hamas leader appears on Palestinian television (18 November 2006) to say that "the people of Palestine should gather as one to protect the Jihad warriors' houses" and that "we will die as warriors."


    Hamas’s al-Aqsa TV called upon children to form a human shield at the home of Abu al-Hatal of the a-Shouqaf quarter of Sajaiyeh in order to protect the building from an anticipated IDF airstrike (March 1). Note that the TV station actually uses the term "human shield," unashamed of committing a war crime.
    Al-Aqsa TV News broadcast a story about how a crowd of civilians gathered on the roof of Abu Bilal al-Ja’abeer in the Northern Gaza strip, in order cause the IDF to abort a threatened airstrike against the structure. Again, this terrorist flagrantly disregards international law and blatantly uses the term "human shield"



    A terrorist cell is captured on tape while launching mortar bombs from an UNRWA elementary school for boys in the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.The footage, taken by IDF aircraft on Monday, October 29, 2007 at approximately 9:00 am, shows three terrorists preparing and then launching the mortars from the school, which they used for cover immediately afterwards.


    Hamas’ al-Aqsa TV (6 Jan 2009), documents civilian-clothed Hamas mortar crews operating 120mm mortars in the middle of Jebaliya, northern Gaza, just hours before the incident at the Jebaliya UNRWA school. Note how they ready their weapon, and then run toward buildings to hide as it fires.


    Hamas indoctrinates children, including kindergartners, to hate Jews and carry out suicide bombings and other types of terrorist attacks. Hamas also fires guns and mortars at Israeli targets while surrounded by children and young adults, using them as human shields.


    A young Palestinian girl tells the story of her suffering during the conflict in Gaza, and places the blame squarely on Hamas.


    Members of the more moderate Fatah (PLO) tell their shocking stories of abuse at the hands of Hamas when that terrorist organization attacked Fatah supporters.


    Screen capture from the Voice of Palestine website, glorifying the story Dr. Nizar al-Rayyan "who took the initiative, two years ago, to protect homes against Israeli occupation air strikes by forming human shields" after Israel sent warnings of imminent attacks.
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    Israel Air Force footage of a Hamas mortar crew operating inside a Gaza school compound and a Hamas rocket salvo being fired at an Israeli city during the three hour humanitarian respite on 8 Jan 2009.


    Short film on the discovery by Israeli troops of a zoo and a school wired with explosives by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, 11 Jan 2009.


    IDF combat footage documenting an anti-aircraft gun and heavy weapons cache in a local mosque in the Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza, 13 Jan 


    IDF video documenting how Hamas arms caches, intentionally hidden in residential areas, cause extensive destruction to civilian homes.


    IDF combat footage documents the discovery and neutralization of an underground Hamas rocket launcher behind a civilian home. The launcher is loaded and aimed at the Israeli city of Ashkelon, 14 Jan 2009.


    IDF aerial footage documenting the launching of a Hamas rocket from in between two school buildings, on 18 January 2009 (twelve hours after Israel announced it was holding its fire!).


    Out-takes of Alarabiya-TV reporter Hannan al-Masri learning of a Hamas missile being fired from the ground floor of the building housing the Alarabiya studio.
    (Intercepted by an Israeli satellite hobbyist)