Hamas terror cell apprehended, attack averted 14 Apr 2015

Hamas terror cell apprehended, attack averted

    In a joint effort of the IDF, ISA and Israeli Police in early March 2015, a terror cell affiliated with Hamas was exposed in Abu Dis, and two of its main operatives were arrested. They were planning a terror attack during the Purim holiday.
  • icon_zoom.png
    Members of Hamas terror cell apprehended Members of Hamas terror cell apprehended Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

    Members of the terror cell conveyed detailed information regarding a terror attack they had been plotting for several months, intended to be executed against Israeli civilians during the Jewish holiday of Purim, which took place early March. For the purpose of the attack, the terror cell purchased a vehicle, gathered information on the targeted location, and went through weapons training.

    Members of the terror cell arrested:

    • Ma'an Nur Al-din Ahmad Shaer, head of the terror cell, from Burka. Shaer, an operative of the Hamas terror organization, initiated the terror attack and orchestrated the planning process. In the past, Shear has served time in prison for his involvement in a shooting attack at IDF soldiers, between the years 2009-2011.

    • Daud Raja Daud Aduan, from Azaria, an operative of the Hamas terror organization. In the past, Aduan served time in prison for illegal activity.

    In the course of the investigation it was revealed that Shaer originally intended the attack to be executed in Jerusalem. The targeted location was altered, after Shaer recruited Aduan who suggested the Wadi Nar checkpoint instead, adjacent to Jerusalem. Shaer also planned to recruit yet another terror operative, to take the role of the driver, and allow the terrorists to flee the crime scene immediately after the attack.  In order to prepare for the attack, members of the terror cell went through extensive weapons training, and An AK-47 type rifle, as well as a 9mm caliber gun and 40 bullets were found in their disposal.

    The operatives used the vehicle they purchased to gather information on the targeted location, and planned to set it on fire once they escaped the site of the attack, to cover their tracks and eliminate evidence.

    Indictments against the members of the terror cell will be filed to the military court in Judea and Samaria in the following days.