Hamas bomb lab uncovered in Nablus

Hamas bomb lab uncovered in Nablus


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    In a joint IDF and ISA operation early this morning (December 14, 2005) in the Massaken Sha'abiya neighborhood of Nablus, the forces uncovered an explosives laboratory in the residence of Sameh Samir Sa'id Iyad, 27, a Hamas terrorist who was arrested by the IDF on November 15, 2005. Iyad served as the assistant of Amged Hinawi, head of the Hamas terrorist infrastructure in the Nablus area, who was killed in an IDF operation on November 14, 2005.

    The explosives laboratory in Iyad's residence was uncovered after security forces followed up information received during his questioning. The materials found include an explosive belt ready for use, a Kassam rocket, 60 kilograms of explosives, an electronic detonator for cellular activation of a network of explosive devices, a small explosive device, and a large quantity of raw materials used for the manufacturing of explosives.

    The explosives laboratory was detonated by IDF sappers.        

    In his questioning, Iyad said that he had transported Hinawi to the explosives laboratory on numerous occasions, and had assisted him in transferring chemicals and explosive materials and in constructing the explosives laboratory beneath his residence. In addition, Iyad said that he was present in the laboratory when Hinawi manufactured the explosive devices and explosive belts.